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I haven't read it yet, but it looks like a pretty good one.






An Inside Look at the Bills' Greatest Generations


Billy Shaw. Joe Ferguson. Fred Smerlas. Before the days of multi-million dollar contracts for unproven players, there were men like these. Men who built one of America's most storied football franchises without expecting lucrative endorsement deals or $80 autograph fees.


In The Bills Are Due, Rob Thompson pays tribute to the generations of players who made the Buffalo Bills-and, by extension, western New York-what it is today. From the team's AFL days right through the '90s, it's all here-the precision passing and thrilling touchdowns, as well as agonizing defeats-told by the players themselves. In interviews with legends like Mike Stratton, Jack Kemp and more, fans also catch a rare, behind-the-scenes and sometimes odd life as a Bill But this is more than a recounting of the team's adolescence and memorable moments. Thompson's personal reminiscences of his own youth brilliantly capture the historical milieu of the team's "golden era"-and remind readers why they first fell for New York's beloved Bills. Through it all, Thompson reveals the often-painful experiences of Bills in post-retirement-and urges NFL and players' union leadership to establish equitable standards of compensation for the early gridiron warriors.


There's a "meet the Bills" session with some of the guys who were interviewed for the book coming up in early September. (I wanna say it's September 6th but I don't have the info in front of me.) I'll post more details when I have them.

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