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The Informers Trailer

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I'm not sure if anyone else here enjoys his work but BEE's new movie The Informers looks intriguing.


New Brett Easton Ellis Movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xfx9ohZxvw

"Former lead singer of Lunar park..." haha...It looks promising... but I thought The Informers was his worst book. However, American Psycho the movie was phenomenal and The Rules of Attraction movie was good too- I think it captured the spirit of the book if not the actual plot- so maybe BEE can go 3 for 3. Still waiting on that Glamorama movie....

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"Former lead singer of Lunar park..." haha...It looks promising... but I thought The Informers was his worst book. However, American Psycho the movie was phenomenal and The Rules of Attraction movie was good too- I think it captured the spirit of the book if not the actual plot- so maybe BEE can go 3 for 3. Still waiting on that Glamorama movie....



Don't forget Less then Zero... I think his books translate well to the screen.

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Don't forget Less then Zero... I think his books translate well to the screen.

I forgot about Less than Zero... I hated that movie, though. I read the book first, and the plot of the movie is so predictable and formulaic and unlike the book. They made Clay this respectable guy that was trying to save Downey Jr's character, I forget his name, but in the book Clay is just as much a lowlife as the rest of them. Sorry, I don't mean to harsh on a movie you like... to each his own... but I was not a fan of that one. So let's see if BEE can be 3/4 then.

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