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will Favre on Jets help the Bills

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ESPN had an interesting analytical take on the question of how much Favre will improve the Jets. They predicted that the big problem for them is gonna be Favre learning the offense in a relatively short time.


They predicted the problem would be heightened because the Jets and GB run such different offensive styles with the NYJ scheme being a WCO style with the plays planned and laid out and the QB being called upon to implement them as they were drawn up. The GB style they described as much more oriented to Favre reading and reacting to the situation and in essence free-lancing rather than running a fairly set style.


If this analysis is true it points to this almost being a lost half season or so for the Jets O as not only is Favre gonna have to cram in the new language and new scheme, but in essence he will have to change a careers play style to the Jets way.


The alternative is actually likely worse IMHO since it will demand that all the players in essence toss chunks of the playbook they have spent the off-season learning if the Jets take the route of altering it significantly to fit Favre's style.


Even in a good case of adaptation of the Jets/coaches O style to Favre or the adaptation of the Favre to the Jets O style you still are gonna have to have the receivers and Favre develop chemistry and the OL and Favre develop chemistry on how they block and how he scrambles.


In general, Favre is a good enough player that it will make sense for the Jets to make some changes to take advantage of what he can do that most other QBs can't but overall I would generally expect that it is Favre who is going to have to change himself to win in our system. It will be tough getting your starting QB to recalibrate his play and learn a new playbook on short notice. However, it strikes me as much worse to demand the entire rest of the O to learn a bunch of new stuff and throw a lot of old stuff out.


The interesting soap opera to watch is how Favre reacts to having to stand on his head athletically and adapt to every one else since for years the Pack was built around his skills and desires.


I must admit the thing which bums me out most about this is that the Bills do not get the Jets until mid-season. Opponents will likely mop the floor with this team the first quarter of the season.


There is also the soap opera question of how long it takes the NYJ fans to turn on Favre when they begin losing initially through adjusting.

FINALLY a rational response to the Jets signing Favre :D . OMG people, deep breaths, DEEP BREATHS. We are not doomed because the Jets signed a guy who is turning 39 in a month. The only thing Favor :censored: will accomplish in NY is tarnishing his legacy and prove that he should have stayed retired.

I put them @ 1-3 going into their bye week and 7-9 for the season. I wouldn't want him on our team and he won't be successful with the Jets. CHILAX. We are not DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!

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They predicted the problem would be heightened because the Jets and GB run such different offensive styles with the NYJ scheme being a WCO style with the plays planned and laid out and the QB being called upon to implement them as they were drawn up. The GB style they described as much more oriented to Favre reading and reacting to the situation and in essence free-lancing rather than running a fairly set style.

Thats a mixed bag and in some ways could work to his advantage. It eliminates the possibility of confusing things with the green bay offense on similar plays- he will work that much harder to learn the offense.


And don't forget, he is one of the best on broken plays at just flipping the ball to somebody for a few extra yards. One extra first down per drive can be a huge difference and swing the game.

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