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The Girl in the Window


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She says she took Danielle to the library and the park. “I took her out for pizza. Once.” But she can’t remember which library, which park or where they went for pizza.


Mom of the year!! :angry: (Where's the :thumbsup: hang the B word emoticon?)


Michelle’s older son, Bernard, told a judge that he once asked his mom why she never took Danielle to the doctor. Something’s wrong with her, he remembered telling her. He said she answered, “If they see her, they might take her away.”




She goes to the boys’ bathroom, returns with a box full of documents and hands it over.


The earliest documents are from Feb. 11, 2002. That was when someone called the child abuse hotline on her. The caller reported that a child, about 3, was “left unattended for days with a retarded older brother, never seen wearing anything but a diaper.”


This is Michelle’s proof that her sons were watching Danielle.


The caller continued:


“The home is filthy. There are clothes everywhere. There are feces on the child’s seat and the counter is covered with trash.”


It’s not clear what investigators found at the house, but they left Danielle with her mother that day.


Nine months later, another call to authorities. A person who knew Michelle from the Moose Lodge said she was always there playing bingo with her new boyfriend, leaving her children alone overnight.


“Not fit to be a mother,” the caller said.

The hotline operator took these notes: The 4-year-old girl “is still wearing a diaper and drinking from a baby bottle. On-going situation, worse since last August. Mom leaves Grant and Danielle at home for several days in a row while she goes to work and spends the night with a new paramour. Danielle . . . is never seen outside the home.”


Again the child abuse investigators went out. They offered Michelle free day care for Danielle. She refused. And they left Danielle there.


Why? Didn’t they worry about two separate calls to the hotline, months apart, citing the same concerns?


“It’s not automatic that because the home is dirty we’d remove the child,” said Nick Cox, regional director of the Florida Department of Children and Families. “And what they found in 2002 was not like the scene they walked into in 2005.”


The aim, he said, is to keep the child with the parent, and try to help the parent get whatever services he or she might need. But Michelle refused help. And investigators might have felt they didn’t have enough evidence to take Danielle, Cox said.


“I’m concerned, though, that no effort was made to interview the child,” he said.


“If you have a 4-year-old who is unable to speak, that would raise a red flag to me. “I’m not going to tell you this was okay. I don’t know how it could have happened.”


WTF!!! Nobody went back at least every three months to check on the kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash:


A friend of mine and his wife used to be foster parents but they don't do it anymore because the parent is given way too many excuses. It was heartwrenching for them. They'd get kids who's parents had done unspeakable things to them and in three months they were back with that parent because "It's best the kid be with the biological parents." What a crock of :(<_< that is.


Well enough of the horrible part of the article!


Now for the good part;


When they met Danielle at her school, she was drooling. Her tongue hung from her mouth. Her head, which seemed too big for her thin neck, lolled side to side.


She looked at them for an instant, then loped away across the special ed classroom. She rolled onto her back, rocked for a while, then batted at her toes.


Diane walked over and spoke to her softly. Danielle didn't seem to notice. But when Bernie bent down, Danielle turned toward him and her eyes seemed to focus.


He held out his hand. She let him pull her to her feet. Danielle's teacher, Kevin O'Keefe, was amazed; he hadn't seen her warm up to anyone so quickly.


Bernie led Danielle to the playground, she pulling sideways and prancing on her tiptoes. She squinted in the sunlight but let him push her gently on the swing. When it was time for them to part, Bernie swore he saw Danielle wave.


That night, he had a dream. Two giant hands slid through his bedroom ceiling, the fingers laced together. Danielle was swinging on those hands, her dark eyes wide, thin arms reaching for him.


These people get a free pass into heaven IMO. They'll get there and will be waved in no questions asked. :worthy:

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I am not a very religious person, but I hope there is a special place in Hell for that B word of a Mom, as well as a special place in Heaven for the new family. You have the extremes in parenting in the same story.


Kudos to all people who go above and beyond and can share their Love and Life with someone like Dani...

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Best line of the article, from one of the cops....


Choking back rage, he approached the mother. How could you let this happen?


"The mother's statement was: 'I'm doing the best I can,' " the detective said. "I told her, 'The best you can sucks!' "

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It's amazing how terrible people can be


And even more amazing that we live in a socity that choses not to punish such people. They had to plea bargin a 20 year prison sentence away for the other couple to adopt the girl? WTF?

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77 IQ....don't know how one with a 77 IQ was able to take classes at U of Tampa...what a sad first part of the story, heres to continued improvement in this families life...


One of the saddest things I've ever read. The mother, while worthy of all our hate and venom, must be borderline retarded to let something like that happen.
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unreal. I did a quick search, and also found this online:




"The Heart Gallery has set up a fund for those who want to help Danielle's new family. Checks can be sent to: The Heart Gallery -- Danielle Lierow Fund, 1002 E. Palm Ave., Tampa, FL 33605.


Also, a fund has been set up for Danielle's long-term care. Donations can be sent to: Danielle Lierow, c/o Mr. Doy McPhail, Wachovia Bank, 7128 Estero Blvd., Ft. Myers Beach, FL 33931. "

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Best line of the article, from one of the cops....


Choking back rage, he approached the mother. How could you let this happen?


"The mother's statement was: 'I'm doing the best I can,' " the detective said. "I told her, 'The best you can sucks!' "


I agree I thought that was a great line too. The best she can do is to leave the girl in the care of her retarded brother while she goes out partying for days?!


One of the saddest things I've ever read. The mother, while worthy of all our hate and venom, must be borderline retarded to let something like that happen.


I don't think intelligence has anything to do with this. There are many so-called intelligent people who do the same things. If people like this aren't going to get a long prison sentence then they should be forced sterilized.

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One of the saddest things I've ever read. The mother, while worthy of all our hate and venom, must be borderline retarded to let something like that happen.


Yeah- something's not right there. Sure, she's a hateful woman, but anyone who allows their home to become infested with insects, who stacks dirty diapers four feet high, who doesn't clean smeared feces off the walls and floors, and says she's "doing her best" has some real f'ing issues. I mean that goes beyond even SELF loathing. Surely her neglect wasn't out of spite or basic irresponsibility- the mother definitely has her own host of problems.


My concern is how she managed to maintain custody of a child for as long as she did. She's certainly not absolved of any blame, but someone should be pointing a big fat finger at social workers throughout Tampa.

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I agree I thought that was a great line too. The best she can do is to leave the girl in the care of her retarded brother while she goes out partying for days?!




I don't think intelligence has anything to do with this. There are many so-called intelligent people who do the same things. If people like this aren't going to get a long prison sentence then they should be forced sterilized.

Many? Really? You have a link?

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No it means no link is necessary. It's common sense with the population of the world that many do. If you want to troll for a fight pick someone else this is my last response to your idiocy.

Many? Or a really small percentage?



1. constituting or forming a large number; numerous: many people.

2. noting each one of a large number (usually fol. by a or an): For many a day it rained.

–noun 3. a large or considerable number of persons or things: A good many of the beggars were blind.

4. the many, the greater part of humankind.

–pronoun 5. many persons or things: Many of the beggars were blind. Many were unable to attend.


You advocated forced sterilization for "many" people who "do the same things". Yet you're accusing someone else of idiocy? :D

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