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Bills FatHeads


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Those are pretty phat! But a little on the expensive side, no? If I had a place to put one, I might buy one...



Being a parent, my son loves his Marvel Comic guys...Spiderman, Superman, Batman, ect.......


My son has a Spiderman one, and its pretty big and we got in from Wal Mart for 15 bucks. Ive seen several comic ones in Wal Mart and Target and K-mart.


Just a little heads up for the parents out there trying to save money!

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Decided to check to see if they had any additions. Last time this year they had Willis :angry: and the helmet. Wish they had a Thurman Thomas.

There's a spot on the website, that allows customers to email requests. I email them about once a week to request the Bills throwback helmet. I would love to add that to my gameroom.


If anyone else would like to see the throwback helmet, please send along the requests. Maybe we'll get it.

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Those are pretty phat! But a little on the expensive side, no? If I had a place to put one, I might buy one...


They often have 2 for 1 sales which make it a little better. I received one as a gift a year or two ago of the Willis decal, and it was generic enough that I actually like the 6ft decal in my Bills Bar. It is a Bill RB coming at you, partially hiding the number, AND he has a tinted face shield. :angry:


I could not return it anyway, because the other half of the two-fer was NASCAR for somebody else, who LOVED his.


Kelly or Smith would have been nicer, I agree - but I like what I have!

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