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morgan freeman in serious condition after crash


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My dad has.


Hell, my grandma used to take her old Dodge Dart out on the Bayshore Freeway outside San Fran on Sunday mornings and drive 85 mph..."to blow all the gunk out of it" (her words).


She quit driving at age 88...she died four years ago at the age of 95.



She was just keeping up with traffic. The speed limit on the Bayshore (US101) is 65. The average speed is 72-75.


In the Central Valley the limit in some places is 70. I'm driving about 77 and people zoom past me at 90.



I have an aunt that is 92. if here eyes were ok, she'd probably still be driving. My Mom is 82 September 1 and still drives to the store, to the doctor and her sister (my aunt above) about 2 miles away. She had to get operated on for appendicitis last July, was in the hospital a week and got a clean bill of health from the doctor two weeks later. Still cuts the grass and shovels the driveway if it is an inch or two. Decided this year to not tempt fate and stopped washing the windows on a stepladder.

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