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Let's settle the Peters thing ourselves

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How about a face-to-face meeting between Parker and the Bills, or at least a phone conversation? From what Brandon has said in the papers, that hasn't happened.



If they had brief discussions then why has Brandon said there have been no discussions? Do you have a link? Were you in the room when Parker was negotiating the Hardy deal or are you just assuming they discussed Peters?



The Bills position is that Peters should honor his deal but that is an opening position in a negotiation. Usually an agent responds with his own position. But that hasn't happened because, as you point out, Peters and Parker are not talking. I did read that the Bills have sent text messages and e-mail to Peters and have not gotten a response.



It wasn't a bargain when the signed the deal. It was a pretty generous extension for a UDFA. Of course some people here think the Bills have ESP and knew Peters was going to make the Pro Bowl and wanted to screw him out of his true value. But the fact is he has 3 years left on his deal. Usually players pull a stunt like this in their contract year. The only leverage Peters has is the hole he'll leave in the O-line. If the Bills decide to move on then Peters is f**ked. Despite all the hype he's getting he is still a player who had season-ending surgery and only made the Pro Bowl as an alternate. If he misses a season sitting out then he is no longer an "elite" LT. He's back to having to prove himself. Nobody throws money at players who sit out a season.



They have had conversations:

""We haven't had any discussions with his representatives since prior to training camp." Brandon on Peters


"Since camp..." that means they had discussions prior to camp doesn't it????


"While Peters’ agent, Eugene Parker is the agent for Bills’ second-round draft pick James Hardy, Brandon said the two sides barely have discussed Peters’ deal." "Barely discussed" means they "discussed" "Have not discussed does not = barely discussed


Now lets look at some of Brandon's BS:


"...it’s difficult to have discussions with someone who’s not here..." Brandon spreading it Not since Mr. Bell said "Watson, come here, I need you" has it been difficult to have a discussion with someone who is not physically there. Its called a phone call. I am going to go out on a limb here and speculate that Brandon has Parker's cell phone number. Every hold out that ever ended in a new contract had negotiations take place with the player not being in camp. That is why it is called a hold out.


The past doesn't matter, motivations don't matter. What matters is performance on the field and money in the bank. The reality is that Peters is better than the money he is getting, waaay better. He performs on the field. That is why everyone is in fits over this.


If, as you say and frankly, I agree, the Bills have taken the position that they won't negotiate a new deal, there is no response for Peters. There is no back up position, that is a deal ender from the get go. Peters wants a new deal this year, if they are willing to do that, fine, start bargaining. If they aren't then there is nothing for Peters to say. Really, what response would you recommend? "Okay, forget that Bills, how about a new deal next year?" How does that get him a new deal this year which is his goal?


Peters is losing nothing at this point and there is always a chance that the Bills will blink. There will come a time where he has a big decision to make but he isn't at that point. That is when we will see just how serious he is.

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Despite all the hype he's getting he is still a player who had season-ending surgery and only made the Pro Bowl as an alternate.




Not only did he not "only make the Pro Bowl as an alternate" (meaning someone had to pull out for him to get in) but he was a starter (along with Matt Light). Obviously he didn't play (as he was hurt) but that doesn't make him an alternate.

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The past doesn't matter, motivations don't matter. What matters is performance on the field and money in the bank. The reality is that Peters is better than the money he is getting, waaay better. He performs on the field. That is why everyone is in fits over this.

Just curious... lets just say they cave and give Peters top 10 money and a new 6 year deal. Everyone is happy. In 2 years, Peters has made the ProBowl 2 consecutive more times and is easily the best LT in the AFC. Do we throw out his contract again and give him yet another one?



To take it a step further... Kelsay has a break out year this year. Leads the team in sacks at 18; multiple forced fumbles; an interception or two. Makes the probowl easy. Do we give him a new contract now because he made the probowl?


When does it end? When does a player have to honor at least most of their contract before the renegotiations begin?

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Just curious... lets just say they cave and give Peters top 10 money and a new 6 year deal. Everyone is happy. In 2 years, Peters has made the ProBowl 2 consecutive more times and is easily the best LT in the AFC. Do we throw out his contract again and give him yet another one?



To take it a step further... Kelsay has a break out year this year. Leads the team in sacks at 18; multiple forced fumbles; an interception or two. Makes the probowl easy. Do we give him a new contract now because he made the probowl?


When does it end? When does a player have to honor at least most of their contract before the renegotiations begin?



Let's take it a step farther. Kelsey tears his Achilles heal next week in practice and is out of the season. He tries to come back next summer but re-injures himself. How long to the Bills "'honor his contract" and keep paying him on the before they simply cut him.


Or Schobel has 1 sack this season and is totally ineffective. How long to the Bills "honor his contract" before they simply cut him?


It’s funny to me how fans never talk about “honoring the contract” when players who they feel are overpaid get cut. I guess they think it's only a one way street.


As for your question about when it ends - it doesn't. Teams will continue to cut players they don't want to pay and players will continue to demand more money when they outperform their current deal. It's just the way it is.

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Let's take it a step farther. Kelsey tears his Achilles heal next week in practice and is out of the season. He tries to come back next summer but re-injures himself. How long to the Bills "'honor his contract" and keep paying him on the before they simply cut him.


Or Schobel has 1 sack this season and is totally ineffective. How long to the Bills "honor his contract" before they simply cut him?


It’s funny to me how fans never talk about “honoring the contract” when players who they feel are overpaid get cut. I guess they think it's only a one way street.


As for your question about when it ends - it doesn't. Teams will continue to cut players they don't want to pay and players will continue to demand more money when they outperform their current deal. It's just the way it is.

Well then explain to me how a team is supposed to manage their cap when they are expected to tear up a players contract after one good year. You can't pay everyone $!0M a year. Really, explain how a team is supposed to foresee the future and know what players will become Pro Bowlers so the don't "underpay" them? Why even have contracts?



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Just curious... lets just say they cave and give Peters top 10 money and a new 6 year deal. Everyone is happy. In 2 years, Peters has made the ProBowl 2 consecutive more times and is easily the best LT in the AFC. Do we throw out his contract again and give him yet another one?



To take it a step further... Kelsay has a break out year this year. Leads the team in sacks at 18; multiple forced fumbles; an interception or two. Makes the probowl easy. Do we give him a new contract now because he made the probowl?


When does it end? When does a player have to honor at least most of their contract before the renegotiations begin?

When the TV contract stops getting bigger every year leading to a bigger cap leading to bigger salaries. When Peters is the best LT in the game (a wonderful problem I think we would all like to have) and he is paid more than every other LT, then it ends.


As they say in the mafia, "...this is the business we chose..."

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Well then explain to me how a team is supposed to manage their cap when they are expected to tear up a players contract after one good year. You can't pay everyone $!0M a year. Really, explain how a team is supposed to foresee the future and know what players will become Pro Bowlers so the don't "underpay" them? Why even have contracts?



Ultimately they don't. Remember that every year the cap goes up because the league makes more $. Revenue isn't fixed so why should salaries be forever fixed? The Bills could have let Kelsy go, they could have not burned Schobel's contract and gave him a new one. But they did. This same complaint has been made for decades regarding player contracts and yet somehow, the world has not ended and teams keep making money. The sky isn't falling.


Look, no doubt it is a tough business and tough decisions have to be made, we did with Clements and have done so with others. I just don't think Peters is the guy to make a point with. I'd rather lose Evans.

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