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Let's settle the Peters thing ourselves

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Yeah he's next door. I'll just go kick his ass and when he wakes up from the beating, I'll ask him.



I was at his house yesterday, but I ran after I lit the bag of poo.


Now THAT'S how you conduct a negotiation!



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I still like this quote from Jason Taylor in 2007:


"He’s probably the best left tackle I face this year ... He’s a big, athletic guy who is strong and moves very well. He’s got the size. He does a lot of things well. You don’t see him get beat a whole lot. He’s equally as strong in the run game as he is in the pass game. I think he’s a helluva player.”


I really hope the two sides can come together to figure this thing out.

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Fixed that for you...





I still like this quote from Jason Taylor in 2007:


"He’s probably the best left tackle I face this year ... He’s a big, athletic guy who is strong and moves very well. He’s got the size. He does a lot of things well. You don’t see him get beat a whole lot. He’s equally as strong in the run game as he is in the pass game. I think he’s a helluva player.”


I really hope the two sides can come together to figure this thing out.


He definitely deserves a raise and Buffalo should have approached his agent about one soon after he made the Pro-Bowl but now he needs to show up before the Bills can negotiate a new deal or other players will learn that they can do the same thing.

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I still like this quote from Jason Taylor in 2007:


"He’s probably the best left tackle I face this year ... He’s a big, athletic guy who is strong and moves very well. He’s got the size. He does a lot of things well. You don’t see him get beat a whole lot. He’s equally as strong in the run game as he is in the pass game. I think he’s a helluva player.”


I really hope the two sides can come together to figure this thing out.

If they don't communicate, they can't figure anything out.
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Does anyone know where Jason Peters lives? Are any wallers willing to seek him out, see how he looks, and ask him outright WTF s going on? Sometimes when you need a job done right, ya gotta do it yourself.



No great mystery to solve. He is underpaid and understandably wants a new deal. The Bills won't give him one. Ocam's razor. Really, what is so hard to understand?

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No great mystery to solve. He is underpaid and understandably wants a new deal. The Bills won't give him one. Ocam's razor. Really, what is so hard to understand?

What's hard to figure is there has been no official exchange between Peters and the Bills. Peters never asked the Bills for a new deal. The Bills never said they wouldn't give him one. Everything has been filtered through the press. That's not how you negotiate. If Peters is staying away because of what he read in the papers then he and his agent are idiots.


And it's spelled Occam's Razor.

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What's hard to figure is there has been no official exchange between Peters and the Bills. Peters never asked the Bills for a new deal. The Bills never said they wouldn't give him one. Everything has been filtered through the press. That's not how you negotiate. If Peters is staying away because of what he read in the papers then he and his agent are idiots.


And it's spelled Occam's Razor.


I prefer Gillette myself.


How much does being an earwax-covered lawn gnome pay?


Not enough. His payment plan is not beating the crap out of me if I stay put. :unsure:

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What's hard to figure is there has been no official exchange between Peters and the Bills. Peters never asked the Bills for a new deal. The Bills never said they wouldn't give him one. Everything has been filtered through the press. That's not how you negotiate. If Peters is staying away because of what he read in the papers then he and his agent are idiots.


And it's spelled Occam's Razor.

What constitutes an "official exchange" and why do you think he hasn't asked for a new contract? Brandon and Parker have had discussions though Brandon has described them as being brief. When they talked about Hardy, they also talked about Peters. I have not read a single report stating what was said in those discussions. They have said quite clearly that they expect him to honor the committment he made two years ago. Parker and Peters have said nothing to the press so they aren't negotiating through them. The bills won't negotiate a new deal with him this year, if they would, they could tell Parker and start faxing offer sheets back and forth until they reach a deal. Clearly, the team agrees with so many around her that they have Peters by the gonads and he has no choice but to give them another year of top talent at a bargain price.


There is nothing strange about this at all, it happens every year all around the league. Player wants more $, team doesn't want to give it to him, player holds out. The only thing "strange" about this is that Parker and Peters have not whined to the press or pulled a Chad Johnson. Usually, we complain about that behaviour but here we have a player who does the opposite, he keeps his mouth shut and his agent too. Still we complain. The only villian here is cold financial reality. He wants what he is worth and the team is in a position to continue getting him at a bargain.


You can spell it, too bad you don't get it.

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What constitutes an "official exchange" and why do you think he hasn't asked for a new contract?

How about a face-to-face meeting between Parker and the Bills, or at least a phone conversation? From what Brandon has said in the papers, that hasn't happened.


Brandon and Parker have had discussions though Brandon has described them as being brief. When they talked about Hardy, they also talked about Peters.

If they had brief discussions then why has Brandon said there have been no discussions? Do you have a link? Were you in the room when Parker was negotiating the Hardy deal or are you just assuming they discussed Peters?


I have not read a single report stating what was said in those discussions. They have said quite clearly that they expect him to honor the committment he made two years ago. Parker and Peters have said nothing to the press so they aren't negotiating through them. The bills won't negotiate a new deal with him this year, if they would, they could tell Parker and start faxing offer sheets back and forth until they reach a deal.

The Bills position is that Peters should honor his deal but that is an opening position in a negotiation. Usually an agent responds with his own position. But that hasn't happened because, as you point out, Peters and Parker are not talking. I did read that the Bills have sent text messages and e-mail to Peters and have not gotten a response.


Clearly, the team agrees with so many around her that they have Peters by the gonads and he has no choice but to give them another year of top talent at a bargain price.

It wasn't a bargain when the signed the deal. It was a pretty generous extension for a UDFA. Of course some people here think the Bills have ESP and knew Peters was going to make the Pro Bowl and wanted to screw him out of his true value. But the fact is he has 3 years left on his deal. Usually players pull a stunt like this in their contract year. The only leverage Peters has is the hole he'll leave in the O-line. If the Bills decide to move on then Peters is f**ked. Despite all the hype he's getting he is still a player who had season-ending surgery and only made the Pro Bowl as an alternate. If he misses a season sitting out then he is no longer an "elite" LT. He's back to having to prove himself. Nobody throws money at players who sit out a season.



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How about a face-to-face meeting between Parker and the Bills, or at least a phone conversation? From what Brandon has said in the papers, that hasn't happened.



If they had brief discussions then why has Brandon said there have been no discussions? Do you have a link? Were you in the room when Parker was negotiating the Hardy deal or are you just assuming they discussed Peters?


They had spoken, briefly.




(last 2 paragraphs)


...Peters agent Eugene Parker also represents Bills second-round pick James Hardy, and even though conversations on a contract for the wide receiver have been constant over the past week Brandon says talk about Peters has been minimal.


"Very briefly with Eugene," said Brandon. "Everything has been really focused on James. It's been a very quiet situation and that's as honest as I can be about it."


Of course, it really doesn't take too long to say, "my guy deserves X" and a reply of "we'll pay Y"

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