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Baltimore does not impress me


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I just looked at game recaps on NFL.com and this team will be in trouble without Jamal Lewis. It seems that Kyle Boller is a horrible quarterback. He's thrown 5 interceptions and had a couple fumbles lost in his last game. Boller is 29th in the league in passer rating with a 61.3, ouch! Now add the fact that Jamal Lewis will not be playing! People of Buffalo Nation...this game is winnable as long as we run the ball like KC and don't turn the ball over (we can let Boller do that). I'm sure everyone outside of Buffalo thinks this is a mismatch. The line is Baltimore minus 6 for god sakes! I know we've been bad on the road recently, but this Kyle Boller led Baltimore team can be taken by our underated 1-4 team. Plus we've had a much much tougher schedule than the Ravens, here's to them thinking this game is a gimmie.

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we're 6 point dogs because the people who do this for a living figured that would be the necessary number to get equal play on both sides. it doesn't matter who sucks and who doesn't.


and by the way, until proven otherwise, we still do suck.

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our problem is 3rd and long.



in the first 4 games we often had 32rd and short, to only get a holding call. and lead to 3rd and long, which ended in a sack. (often taking us out of FG range).


there D is dtrong and with lewis in, we will be lucky to get 75 yards rushing.


we can win if...


dont let there backup RB get 80 yards rushing. there O-Line is good.


dont let ths crappy QB throw on us. make them run and stop them.


bolier will make a mistake and we have to take advantage.


Evans has to go deep early. this worked well vs. the pats and vs. the fins. they were scared to bring the safetys up.


limit penalties!!!!! holding on a kick return is like shooting your self in the foot. we can start on the 30 or 35 every time if we dont get a holding call.


holding on 3rd and short is a DRIVE KILLER!!!!

protect bledsoe. quick passes, lots of plays and 3-4 deep passes to evans (1 on the first drive, and 1 per quarter after that.)



its all the same stuff. but without lewis they have NO offense. if we dont make mistakes we can win and should win. we just have to find a way to stop ray lewis.

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After the Bills are through with the Ravens, Kyle Boller will never again be quarterbacking a 6 point favorite.



Living in Cincy, if they are not on, I get a steady tv diet of Cle, Pit, and Bal, so have seen Boller play. He's as close to being a "fumbling machine" as is possible -I think he dropped it 9 times in a half a season last year, and has fumbled 4 times so far this year.


Not a bad arm, is fairly aware, but has a way to go.

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I'm sorry, I really don't see us losing this game at all. We have been in every game this year. And the teams we lost to are not chumps (except perhaps Oakland, which if I recall, we DID win according to the apology letters.)


Baltimore is not a good as the teams we almost beat (Jacksonville and NY Jets) even WITH their stud RB.


But this is a big game. Yet I am as certain that we will win this game as I was about the Phin' Game!

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The Ravens have had a week off. It would be a miracle for the Bills to win.

I just looked at game recaps on NFL.com and this team will be in trouble without Jamal Lewis. It seems that Kyle Boller is a horrible quarterback. He's thrown 5 interceptions and had a couple fumbles lost in his last game. Boller is 29th in the league in passer rating with a 61.3, ouch! Now add the fact that Jamal Lewis will not be playing! People of Buffalo Nation...this game is winnable as long as we run the ball like KC and don't turn the ball over (we can let Boller do that). I'm sure everyone outside of Buffalo thinks this is a mismatch. The line is Baltimore minus 6 for god sakes! I know we've been bad on the road recently, but this Kyle Boller led Baltimore team can be taken by our underated 1-4 team. Plus we've had a much much tougher schedule than the Ravens, here's to them thinking this game is a gimmie.


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The betting line is a fairly good approximation of a prediction of the real game results, but folks should never forget that it has a clear goal which is to deliver a profit for the people who book the bets. The line is only secondarily a statement of the relative quality of the teams because its primary purpose is to be set at a level which attracts a roughly equal number of bettors to bet on both teams.


Teams with large fan bases in their hometowns, particularly if their hometowns include a larger number of bettors than the norm or the opponent will need relatively little inducement to book bets even if irrational for their team.


The linesmakers take this into account and seem to adjust the line appropriately so a middle is not created consistently in cases for teams which do not draw a lot of action. There are so many bettors out there that though these types of statistical opportunities are often created, they rarely last very long as the money flows in to meet them.


However, these "false" predictions are created all the time. Folks wondered why the Bills were so strongly favore against the Fins when a -6 Bills spread did not seem dictated by our team's play. The Ricky debacle, RB injuries and the 0-6 record of the Fins made a huge Bills line necessary to draw any action on the Fins even in a betting heavy area like FLA. The huge line against the Ravens to some extent reflects a return to normalcy as the Bills are an unglamorous team which has not been on Monday Night Football for awhile and in a low population center with perceptions of a lousy economy drying up dollars bet on this 1-4 team.


The line is deigned less to predict the outcome than to attract bets on the Bills.

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Look at it this way. Miami fans were insulted that Buffalo was a 6 point favorite last week (what did we do to deserve being a 6 pt favorite?!) Anyway, we win by 7 and cover. end of story. We deserve to be big dogs in this one.

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Look at it this way.  Miami fans were insulted that Buffalo was a 6 point favorite last week (what did we do to deserve being a 6 pt favorite?!) Anyway, we win by 7 and cover. end of story.  We deserve to be big dogs in this one.



The Ravens are overated. You can tell me that we suck or we deserve a 6 point spread until your blue in the face, but I think you're wrong. I think with Bledsoe and the entire offense coming around like they are and a defense almost as good as Baltimores, this game is a pick em if not a Bills win. What's the safer bet? A Jamal Lewis less Boller led Baltimore giving 6? Or a surging Bills team plus 6?


My point is that beating the Ravens away is not the mountain some are claiming here.

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The Ravens are overated. You can tell me that we suck or we deserve a 6 point spread until your blue in the face, but I think you're wrong. I think with Bledsoe and the entire offense coming around like they are and a defense almost as good as Baltimores, this game is a pick em if not a Bills win. What's the safer bet? A Jamal Lewis less Boller led Baltimore giving 6? Or a surging Bills team plus 6?


My point is that beating the Ravens away is not the mountain some are claiming here.


The line has NOTHING to do with the on field gap between the 2 teams.

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The line has NOTHING to do with the on field gap between the 2 teams.



Easy bro, I never said it did. I'm not getting into the tech aspects of how a line is made because you've totally missed my point entirely. I was inferring that there's a perception of the Ravens being a substancially better team than the Bills. The line is a measurable aspect of this perception. I even saw some here making the Bills beating the Ravens a shocker. I've got two words for you and those people, Kyle Boller.

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Someone posted a couple of days ago that they would match up Miami's D against Baltimore's D anyday. I disagree. Maybe statistically they are similar (I haven't looked), but they get those stats playing two totally different types of ball.


Baltimore's D is fast and aggressive as hell. They will be coming after Bledsoe with absolutely everything they have. A long pass to Evan, even a long TD pass, will not stop them from blitzing. I would be surprised to see more than a couple of plays that Baltimore does not blitz.

Can the Bills O-line really handle an all out blitz from Baltimore? I don't know. The easiest way to counter the blitz (not stop it) is to have short passes on crossing routes, outs, screens...etc. So far, Bledsoe's accuracy has been less than stellar on these types of passes, and when he is accurate the recievers have been dropping the ball.

It all depends on whether or not they can all step up and make the simple plays.

I agree that we should tear up their offense, but Bledsoe will probably be on his back all day.

Field position will be the deciding factor in this game. If our D can get some turnovers and hopefully even score some points, we might be in good shape.

Also remember that they have Stover kicking for them, and we have Lindell. In a low scoring game, this could make all the difference.

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Miami's Defense IS ranked above Baltimore's overall.


Miami is ahead of Baltimore in the following categories:

Yards Allowed (257 to 292)

Yards Per Play Allowed (4.3 to 4.4)

3rd Down % Allowed (28% to 35%)

Yards Penalized (it isn't even close)


Other stats aren't meaningful because Miami has played one more game.

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