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Yes, Folks, He's Different

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I only hope the fine folks of Michigan and Florida take it to heart that their opinions matter to Obama and will be counted.


Unless it matters, in which case they only count if they agree with him...




BTW - does this mean we can finally acknowledge that Clinton beat Obama in the popular vote? Or is the Obama camp saying that the FL/MI delegates count but not the voters?

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All in all, it's old news. He said during the primary that their votes should count. However, he also said in a nutshell that rules are rules. His campaign followed them, hers did not. Again, old news. And Florida and Michigan shouldn't blame Obama, they should blame their state party officials.

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All in all, it's old news. He said during the primary that their votes should count. However, he also said in a nutshell that rules are rules. His campaign followed them, hers did not. Again, old news. And Florida and Michigan shouldn't blame Obama, they should blame their state party officials.


And now he's saying there are only rules when he feels like it would benefit him politically to have them. Sounds like another President I know, I think his name has a "W" somewhere in it.

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And now he's saying there are only rules when he feels like it would benefit him politically to have them. Sounds like another President I know, I think his name has a "W" somewhere in it.


William Jefferson Clinton?

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And now he's saying there are only rules when he feels like it would benefit him politically to have them. Sounds like another President I know, I think his name has a "W" somewhere in it.


Fwankwin Dewano Woosevewt?

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The question is... Is he diferent than the other only viable side (that is the Republicans)... The answer is yes, of course he is.


Unless you want the same as we had the last 8 years... He is the only change in the equation.


Now we don't know what he holds... Except that it seems a lot of people seem really scared of something they haven't seen yet.


Like I said... We take the known or the unknown... The known is pretty bad. I say take the unknown, even if it scares the bejesus out of you...


Oh well...

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Unless you want the same as we had the last 8 years... He is the only change in the equation.


The only change in the equation? I beg to differ:

Chuck Baldwin (Constitution)

Bob Barr (Libertarian)

Cynthia McKinney (Green)

Brian Moore (Socialist)

Ralph Nader (Independent)

Ted Weill (Reform)


All represent a change in the equation. The only difference between the above and Obama equation is the coefficient of voters who don't realize they have more choices than Tweedle-Rep and Tweedle-Dem

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The only change in the equation? I beg to differ:

Chuck Baldwin (Constitution)

Bob Barr (Libertarian)

Cynthia McKinney (Green)

Brian Moore (Socialist)

Ralph Nader (Independent)

Ted Weill (Reform)


All represent a change in the equation. The only difference between the above and Obama equation is the coefficient of voters who don't realize they have more choices than Tweedle-Rep and Tweedle-Dem


Cynthia McKinney represents change?


You want to rethink that one, maybe?

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