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Gas Prices & Jason Peters

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What do gas Prices and J. Peters have in common? They're both only valuable because the alternatives are either slim or not fully developed. The fact of the matter is that Peters has been the left tackle of record the past 2.5 seasons, or so, on one of the NFLs worst offenses over that period... ranking no better than the bottom 1/5 in the league. That's fact. 2nd, he's coming off a groin injury that may limit the explosiveness he once had. If I'm the Bills brass, I'm not doling out more kwan until I can see how he performs in the regular season for a few games. 3rd, he's also not communicatiing... dialogue is the essence in reaching any understanding and agreement on a contract adjustment. Untill he communcates or just shows up, the Bills are not going to budge. if he doesn't understand that, he must have an IQ below 30. So, for you Bills Bros. that like a quick read... you can leave it at this. If you like a tad more meat, I'll expand on it below.



As I mentioned, gas prices... no frickin way should we be paying this much for a gal. ... it doesn't cost that much to produce... it's the demand that's driving this. The prices will come down when either consumption drops off significantly... through altenatives such as electric cars, nuclear power plants, fuel cell cars, wind power, solar power. If all of these are developed and ready for prime time by 2020, gasprices will, over that period, drop like a stone. These oil bastards know the end is near and they're cashing in now and using some of that $$$, to invest in, and try and control those alternatives I noted above.


Likewise, Peters happens to be a decent LT in an era where there are very few of them and thus fewr alternatives for the Bills. Most Bills fans are not objective when it comes to their Bills. To them, the Bills players are the best... If Madden rates Peters as the #1 tackle... he's all world, end of story. Bullsh--, he's a pretty good LT... but he's not a dominant LT as Pace, Roaf, Webb, Elliott, etc. in their prime. There are not a lot of good LTs out there right now... so Peters may be one of the top 7 LTs in the game, by default. To illustrate this point, I submit to you a list of 32 starting LTs... or at least listed as such... below. How many of you can match these LTs with their team... you're a damn good NFL fan if you get all 32 correct. But, my suspicion is, the average fan might be able to get 15 or so. So, go a head and take a crack at it.


Levi Johnson

Joe Thomas

Marvel Smith

Effram Salaam

Khalif Barnes

David Stewart

Tony Ugoh

Jason Peters

Jake Long

Matt Light

D'Brickishaw Ferguson

Ryan Clady

Brandon Albert

Kwame Harris

Marcus McNeil

Mike Gandy

Joe Staley

Orlando Pace

Chris Williams

Jeff Backus

Chad Clifton

Bryant McKinnie

Renardo Foster

Jordan Gross

Jamaal Brown

Luke Pettigout

Dave Diehl

Flozell Adams

William Thomas

Chris Samuels

Adam Terry

Walter Jones


OK... if you got 20 correct, I tip my hat to you... If you got more than that correct, you're sick... and I am not worthy. Anyway, my pecking order... Pace, Jones, & Thomas are in a class by themselves. Light, Diehl, Adams are proven solid and proven. Then, I'd put Johnson, Gross, Peters, Backus in the next tier. I'm sure many of you might take issue with that... but, I'll just say... before you rate these guys yourself, take your Bills cap off first and 'keep it real". Just to note... 4 of the top 6 I just named are NFC LTs... and keep in mind, Thomas was a rookie last year... so Peters being named to represent the AFC in the pro bowl was, in part, because there were slim pickings at that position in the AFC.


So, here's my appeal to Jason...


Jason, you're a pretty good LT. But, you've only been a starter for 3 full seasons... and not all of those starts at LT. We thank you for being a solid left tackle on the NFL's 31st ranked offense in 08... but, I've got news for you, dude...the Bills can finish 31st without you... and maybe even 20th. Why aren't you in camp, or at least engaged in a dialogue with your employer? Are you hiding something? Perhaps your injruy is not healed? How would we know without you being in camp and having a physical? Also, each day you stay away and don't communicate with your employer, you leave the door open for imaginations to run wild... Are you waiting for illegal substances to purge from your system before you report so you have contract leverage and/or don't get suspended? Your silence and unwillingness to communcate is a first in Bills history and will lead to more questions and the potential for imaginations to run amuck and rumors to start. You're not doing yourself any favors... if I didn't show up for work and did not respond to contact from my employer, I'd be on the street in a nano second. If you are truly a professional, act like one. Your behavior is anything but professional. If you think you deserve more money, put your man pants on and convey that to your employer mano y mano. Don't be a kitty. You can start by texting or phoning your employer...you owe them that... if you are, in fact a professional.


Jason, the ball is in your court. Do the right thing.

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I got 26 of them (I didn't know Salaam, Clady, Harris, Williams, Foster, and Terry). And as for Peters' ranking, I'll go by the AP, who had him as 2nd team All-Pro, meaning that at worst, he was the 4th best LT, and thus OL, in the NFL. Pace might be done, so he doesn't count.


Peters is still developing. He just finished his 3rd year of playing OT ever, yet he's considered among the best in the game. That's pretty amazing.


But I agree that he needs to come to camp and show he's back 100%. And if he does, the Bills need to pay him immediately. It's called compromising.

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I got 26 of them (I didn't know Salaam, Clady, Harris, Williams, Foster, and Terry). And as for Peters' ranking, I'll go by the AP, who had him as 2nd team All-Pro, meaning that at worst, he was the 4th best LT, and thus OL, in the NFL. Pace might be done, so he doesn't count.


VOR... 26 out of 32 is damn impressive. You done real good. Wit out lookiing em up I wouldn't have gotten that many.


Even if Peters is considered #1 fairly and squarely, it still doesn't address or explain the silence. I could find no (as in zero, zip, nada) evidence of any report or statement attributable to Eugene Parker or Jason Peters asking or suggesting either one of them was happy with his contract and were looking for a new or extended deal. If their is some sort of evidence... please... let me know where I can see it read it for myself. Everything I'm reading or hearing is coming from the press. And, even the front office is tight lipped... all theyr're publically saying is that if he's unhappy he has to get his ass in camp before it will be addressed. So, contract babble is speculation to this point. And anyone can speculate about anything and be sopt on or dead wrong.


There has to be something else going on that the Bills front office knows, but is not saying. Peters and his agent have to know that coming off an injury 2 yrs. into his current contract that they aren't exactly in a position of leverage. It just does not make sense for anyone that wants a new contract to not have some sort of dialogue with the team. hoe's that gonna happen without him or his agent opening their mouth? And, to me, moving Walker to LT one week into camp sends a clear signal that the Bills don't expect him at all. I think they know there is something personal going on here unrelated to a contract issue. It just makes no sense.


Hell, if he wants new money, the Bills have a history of taking care of their people. Just last season Schoebel got new money and they locked him up a couple of years ago just like Peters... and Lee Evans, who's even in a greater position of leverage (he can walk at the end of the season, Peters can't) showed up on time and the Bills are negotiating with him. All he has to do is show up.

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I like what say in the majority of your posts Trooth and I truly respect your opinion WRT the Peters situation.


The Bills did finish 31st in Offense last year with Jason and we could probably get the same ranking without him this year, however, as a unit, the O-Line only gave up 26 sacks as a team, which is 21 fewer sacks than the season before.


I think a lot of this is attributed to the acquisition of Dockery and Walker, along with the development of Butler and Peters so if Peters decides to sit out, I think this sacks allowed number is one that you'll see increase this upcoming season.

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I suspect each side's position was made know to each other the day that Peters made the Pro Bowl last year, i.e. 12/17/08. That was the Monday before Peters got injured against the Giants. I'm sure Parker said Peters wants more money than Dockery (the only numbers I've heard are "between $8M and $11.5M a year) and the Bills told them no way he'd get a new deal before 2009. Neither side has gone public though, so we don't know for sure/how much money Peters wants, but that makes the most sense.


Regarding the silence on Peters' part, Dockery said that when Peters wants to get away from the game, he really gets away. But also that the last time he talked (texted actually) with him, Peters said "I can't wait to be back there with you guys." I think he's waiting for word from his agent and no one else, and getting away and concentrating on his clothing line start-up.


As for the injury theory, I doubt he's still hurting. He'd get a physical which would uncover that. It's possible that the groin injury robbed him of some lateral agility and he wants a huge contract without showing up so no one knows until he gets his money. I guess that could be a possibility, but I'm sure the Bills would include some language covering that in his contract.


I think basically this is Peters wanting more money, a LOT more of it, and that's it. So basically it's a stalemate. Peters won't report until he gets his new contract and the Bills won't give him a new contract until he reports, if even. Until then Peters has 3 years left on his current contract, is being fined $15K a day, and will lose 1/16th of his salary for every game missed. If he sits out the whole year, the Bills still have him for 3 more years at least. If he reports after the 10th game, he basically makes no money for the year and the Bills have him for 2 more years at least, and 4 years if they franchise him after his contract is up.


The Bills are in a seemingly tough position since Peters won't talk or show up. But it appears they're ready to move on without him. We'll see just how far each side is willing to go.

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Nicely put in all posts. They guys good, but he's not that good. If a bunch of computer programmers and football enthusiasts want to put him as the best LT in the game? Be my guest, but all rankings are based on past performances. He needs at least one more year of solid football before I can consider him elite, and that's coming from (as most of you are) a guy who if given the opportunity would have an all Bills Fantasy Football team :rolleyes:

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OK... if you got 20 correct, I tip my hat to you... If you got more than that correct, you're sick... and I am not worthy. Anyway, my pecking order... Pace, Jones, & Thomas are in a class by themselves. Light, Diehl, Adams are proven solid and proven. Then, I'd put Johnson, Gross, Peters, Backus in the next tier.


Thanks for a well thought post Doctor T, but I cannot stress strongly enough how wrong you are to compare Backus to Peters.


You see, I watched Backus and Hutchinson when they were in college. I wanted them to draft Hutch in the worst way, and Backus was my second choice. We were up at #14 and they were both still there. True to form, we traded down and drafted a defensive back, but I digress....


I have read articles which say that Lion Fans are not all that thrilled by Backus. I for one think he is pretty solid, and that's about all. Still, in 2006, he was rewarded with a 6 year/40 million dollar contract. This is of course a ton more than Peters is to earn, and I must tell you that Peters is bigger, faster, more agile and about 100 times stronger than Backus. As for Light, I would much rather have Peters on the Bills OL than him, and it isn't close.


Pace and Jones were in their own class. Maybe they still are but they are getting old.

Of all the OTs that you list, I would liken Peters to Thomas, but I haven't seen enough of Thomas to fairly rate the kid. The thing is, they both look splendid. DEs think they are getting by Peters, but he is so strong that he merely extends his long arms and pushes them away from the QB. That Sir, is the main reason that sacks were down.


Sorry, but imo, Peters is about as good as it gets no matter on which side of the contract issue one stands.


Again, thanks for the research and the effort. Talking about Left Tackles is a good thing! :rolleyes::thumbsup:

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Thanks for a well thought post Doctor T, but I cannot stress strongly enough how wrong you are to compare Backus to Peters.


You see, I watched Backus and Hutchinson when they were in college. I wanted them to draft Hutch in the worst way, and Backus was my second choice. We were up at #14 and they were both still there. True to form, we traded down and drafted a defensive back, but I digress....


I have read articles which say that Lion Fans are not all that thrilled by Backus. I for one think he is pretty solid, and that's about all. Still, in 2006, he was rewarded with a 6 year/40 million dollar contract. This is of course a ton more than Peters is to earn, and I must tell you that Peters is bigger, faster, more agile and about 100 times stronger than Backus. As for Light, I would much rather have Peters on the Bills OL than him, and it isn't close.


Pace and Jones were in their own class. Maybe they still are but they are getting old.

Of all the OTs that you list, I would liken Peters to Thomas, but I haven't seen enough of Thomas to fairly rate the kid. The thing is, they both look splendid. DEs think they are getting by Peters, but he is so strong that he merely extends his long arms and pushes them away from the QB. That Sir, is the main reason that sacks were down.


Sorry, but imo, Peters is about as good as it gets no matter on which side of the contract issue one stands.


Again, thanks for the research and the effort. Talking about Left Tackles is a good thing! :rolleyes::thumbsup:


now if only you could get the Bills recognize their value - the playoffs may be in reach

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