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Gallup: Tied at 44%

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2. The time is ripe for a third party that can actually build a consensus, but they've got a tough row to hoe in getting choked out by the media and fund-raising. There's a lot of people who just want govt to function w/o having to donate millions just to be heard. Fat chance of that! And so, we've got a lot of people who have been disillusioned and that anything just short of armed revolution can't really change the labyrinth that is the federal govt, no matter what letter is next to the leaders' names. I think at his point, they're working 50 hours a week, coming home, eating, watching AI, going to bed, wash, rinse and repeat. That, or waiting for a "MARS ATTACKS!" scenario: "They blew up Congress!" :unsure:


Which is exactly why I'm going to vote Libertarian - need to get them to the federal funding threshold, and they are the largest 3rd party.

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Real Clear Politics takes an average of all the different polls most recent results:



Poll Date Sample Obama (D) McCain ® Spread

RCP Average 07/23 - 08/04 -- 47.3 44.5 Obama +2.8


AP-Ipsos 07/31 - 08/04 833 RV 48 42 Obama +6.0

Gallup Tracking 08/02 - 08/04 2674 RV 47 43 Obama +4.0

Rasmussen Tracking 08/02 - 08/04 3000 LV 46 47 McCain +1.0

CNN 07/27 - 07/29 914 RV 51 44 Obama +7.0

USA Today/Gallup 07/25 - 07/27 791 LV 45 49 McCain +4.0

Pew Research 07/23 - 07/27 1241 RV 47 42 Obama +5.0



Colorado 47.0 45.3 Obama +1.7

Virginia 47.3 46.3 Obama +1.0

Missouri 45.3 47.3 McCain +2.0

Michigan 46.3 42.0 Obama +4.3

Ohio 46.0 45.5 Obama +0.5

Florida 45.2 46.8 McCain +1.6


Electoral College Obama McCain Toss Ups

RCP Electoral Count 238 163 137

No Toss Up States 322 216 -




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