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  LaDairis said:
Excellent point. Why should the world have cared in the 1930's that some loudmouthed hateful elected official in Germany was hosting mass Bible burnings? Censor it and certainly he won't be a problem in the future...



Sorry dude, comparing anything to Hitler is an automatic loss here at PPP.


Not that you had a snowball's chance in hell anyway. Nice to see the "LaDumbass" knick I tossed at you hasn't lost merit.

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  LaDairis said:
You dealt the anti-semite card, and now you cannot explain why, because you have a supremacist attitude that it is




to do anything but what Zionists want. Criticize anything, even the lies about yellowcake, and you will get the anti-semite card in your face from just such a factless traitor.




Either respond to the questions or go back to your card game, supremacist.


What? You're the one that said the media covered up the story in the interests of forwarding their Zionist agenda. I just phrased it more succinctly for you. They're not my beliefs, Elliot. You said it.

  Alaska Darin said:


Sorry dude, comparing anything to Hitler is an automatic loss here at PPP.


Not that you had a snowball's chance in hell anyway. Nice to see the "LaDumbass" knick I tossed at you hasn't lost merit.




Indeed, this topic has been a first class look at what the "supremacists" have learned from history and Holocaust. By bringing up the censored Bible burning story, I have been subjected to


1. the anti-semite card

2. the "Mein Kamf" card


and after pointing out the supremacist act of a mass Bible burning and subsequent supremacist censorship, both of which were red flags for Adolf himself, I get told that any comp to Hitler means I "lost" the debate...






There are real lessons from the Holocaust, and we would be wise to pay attention. A deliberately censored mass Bible burning by "hundreds" of youth at the direction of an elected official apparently still in office is a red flag, no matter how many times the supporters of Islamic genocide here in the US attempt to censor and halt debate behind the anti-semite sheet with two holes to see through...



Indeed, our "war on (exclusively anti-Israel) terror" has witnessed the unification of Zionists and certain dumb and misled factions of Christianity, namely Pastor Hagee's flock, for the use of the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies, while the guy who hit us, OBL, is "not a priority." A closer examination of this "unification" reveals really strange things like left wing NYT reporter Judy Miller completely in bed with Cheney and Libby over Valerie Plame's "anti-semitic" TRUTH about no Saddam uranium procurement from Niger. The documents from Niger were forged, and they did not forge themselves. Someone wanted us to invade Iraq regardless of truth, and any truth that surfaced suggesting otherwise was attacked as anti-semitic.


The issue of why Zionists wanted to dump us in Iraq is pretty obvious. Their warped logic suggested that a giant US permanent military presence in the Middle East would "protect" Israel. It has, in fact, done just the opposite, as Iran in 2005 in a free and fair Islamic election voted out the moderate Rafsanjani, who had done nothing worthy of a US attack, in favor of the radical Ahmadinijad. Rafsanjani lost exclusively because, at the time, the Iranian TV stations were showing Iraqi Sunnis blowing up Iraqi Shia mosques, and our response to that was W's famous "kick arse" claim to too few boots on the ground with no training on how to protect Shia mosques from radical Sunnis. The beginning of the Shia-Sunni violence in Iraq marked the radicalization of Iran, and when "those we liberated" became "insurgents armed by Iran." Iran is a problem now solely because we invaded Iraq.



Now, in 2005, with it perfectly clear that Saddam had no WMDs and was not a threat, the Zionist celebrating culminated with this event. You may remember former CIA Director George Tenet. He's the guy who failed to kill OBL under Clinton, failed to stop 911 as CIA Director, and told the Senate right before the Iraq invasion vote that it was a "slam dunk" that Saddam had WMDs despite being told by Plame that was not true. Whether or not Tenet was just incompetent or corrupt is something I'm not sure. What I am sure is that this is "supremacist" celebrating of the gaming of our Democracy via campaign contributions, slanted media coverage, and supremacist hate...






"Anti-Defamation League (ADL) presented former CIA Director George J. Tenet with its highest honor"


"All of us, as citizens of this great country, were incredibly fortunate to have our national security and intelligence operations in such skilled, knowledgeable and capable hands," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director."




Um, Mr. Foxman, I really don't care if you like Tenet or not, but it is insulting to any American to suggest that Tenet was "skilled, knowledgeable and capable." His record is just the opposite. Your gall in giving him this award is only matched by your faith in your allies ability to censor the Bible burning story....


Religion is stupid. Jesus didn't like it either. That was part of His message. It gives comfort to the weak I suppose but it's no substitute for a direct relationship with God.

  LaDairis said:
You dealt the anti-semite card, and now you cannot explain why, because you have a supremacist attitude that it is




to do anything but what Zionists want. Criticize anything, even the lies about yellowcake, and you will get the anti-semite card in your face from just such a factless traitor.




Either respond to the questions or go back to your card game, supremacist.

You nailed this one dude.


Can you imagine the scene at the fire? I can just see it now:


Oy Vey!!!!! Who knew the bibles would burn so hot. I might get a rash from the heat. We should sue the Pope. Oy Vey!


I think Jews say Oy Vey all the time just to be annoying.

  LaDairis said:
Indeed, this topic has been a first class look at what the "supremacists" have learned from history and Holocaust. By bringing up the censored Bible burning story, I have been subjected to


1. the anti-semite card

2. the "Mein Kamf" card


and after pointing out the supremacist act of a mass Bible burning and subsequent supremacist censorship, both of which were red flags for Adolf himself, I get told that any comp to Hitler means I "lost" the debate...






There are real lessons from the Holocaust, and we would be wise to pay attention. A deliberately censored mass Bible burning by "hundreds" of youth at the direction of an elected official apparently still in office is a red flag, no matter how many times the supporters of Islamic genocide here in the US attempt to censor and halt debate behind the anti-semite sheet with two holes to see through...



Indeed, our "war on (exclusively anti-Israel) terror" has witnessed the unification of Zionists and certain dumb and misled factions of Christianity, namely Pastor Hagee's flock, for the use of the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies, while the guy who hit us, OBL, is "not a priority." A closer examination of this "unification" reveals really strange things like left wing NYT reporter Judy Miller completely in bed with Cheney and Libby over Valerie Plame's "anti-semitic" TRUTH about no Saddam uranium procurement from Niger. The documents from Niger were forged, and they did not forge themselves. Someone wanted us to invade Iraq regardless of truth, and any truth that surfaced suggesting otherwise was attacked as anti-semitic.


The issue of why Zionists wanted to dump us in Iraq is pretty obvious. Their warped logic suggested that a giant US permanent military presence in the Middle East would "protect" Israel. It has, in fact, done just the opposite, as Iran in 2005 in a free and fair Islamic election voted out the moderate Rafsanjani, who had done nothing worthy of a US attack, in favor of the radical Ahmadinijad. Rafsanjani lost exclusively because, at the time, the Iranian TV stations were showing Iraqi Sunnis blowing up Iraqi Shia mosques, and our response to that was W's famous "kick arse" claim to too few boots on the ground with no training on how to protect Shia mosques from radical Sunnis. The beginning of the Shia-Sunni violence in Iraq marked the radicalization of Iran, and when "those we liberated" became "insurgents armed by Iran." Iran is a problem now solely because we invaded Iraq.



Now, in 2005, with it perfectly clear that Saddam had no WMDs and was not a threat, the Zionist celebrating culminated with this event. You may remember former CIA Director George Tenet. He's the guy who failed to kill OBL under Clinton, failed to stop 911 as CIA Director, and told the Senate right before the Iraq invasion vote that it was a "slam dunk" that Saddam had WMDs despite being told by Plame that was not true. Whether or not Tenet was just incompetent or corrupt is something I'm not sure. What I am sure is that this is "supremacist" celebrating of the gaming of our Democracy via campaign contributions, slanted media coverage, and supremacist hate...






"Anti-Defamation League (ADL) presented former CIA Director George J. Tenet with its highest honor"


"All of us, as citizens of this great country, were incredibly fortunate to have our national security and intelligence operations in such skilled, knowledgeable and capable hands," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director."




Um, Mr. Foxman, I really don't care if you like Tenet or not, but it is insulting to any American to suggest that Tenet was "skilled, knowledgeable and capable." His record is just the opposite. Your gall in giving him this award is only matched by your faith in your allies ability to censor the Bible burning story....



And my ignore list adds another member...

  RI Bills Fan said:
And my ignore list adds another member...

Great! If you keep this up then you won't ever learn anything new or see different perspectives on things. You'll be a shining example of somebody who only tolerates those who totally agree with him. But of course that's not fascist or anything. :unsure: By the way, how's that applause machine working out?


In fact, if you really get good at this, I bet you can have all of us on ignore by the end of the year, and won't that be fun? You can post whatever you want and you'll never see anyone's replies.


This is fun! I get to call you a tool, and you can't talk back! Great plan! You really outsmarted us on this one! :lol:

  OCinPhilly said:
Great! If you keep this up then you won't ever learn anything new or see different perspectives on things. You'll be a shining example of somebody who only tolerates those who totally agree with him. But of course that's not fascist or anything. :blink: By the way, how's that applause machine working out?


In fact, if you really get good at this, I bet you can have all of us on ignore by the end of the year, and won't that be fun? You can post whatever you want and you'll never see anyone's replies.


This is fun! I get to call you a tool, and you can't talk back! Great plan! You really outsmarted us on this one! :blink:

Oy Vey.

  KD in CT said:
Rather than exporting more idiocy around the globe, how about we work to reduce the PC/pussification of our own country that led to anyone giving a sh-- about someone shooting a friggin book in the first place?


It really is a one-way street when it comes to this... It works agaiinst when we shoot the Koran, and we shouldn't.


We are a secular state dealing with non-secular peoples... We should be sensitive to those issues, it only hurts us if we are not.


Now, being a secular state... Who gives a flying rat's ass who burns the Bible.

  ExiledInIllinois said:
It really is a one-way street when it comes to this... It works agaiinst when we shoot the Koran, and we shouldn't.


We are a secular state dealing with non-secular peoples... We should be sensitive to those issues, it only hurts us if we are not.


Now, being a secular state... Who gives a flying rat's ass who burns the Bible.




This particular country gets $3 billion per year in US taxpayer cash, military assistance which they have been caught selling to the Chinese, the murder of the USS Liberty, lying about UN-violating settlements for the past 30 years, and our presence in Iraq is 100% because of this country and its manipulation of our political process with campaign cash and media influence. Jimmy Carter calls their system of racist oppression "Apartheid." They have bribed many "Christian leaders" like Pastor Hagee to manipulate US Christians into believing that Christians cannot go to Heaven unless the US wipes out all of their enemies. And then they censor a story like this that might cause Christians to re-think whether they are "united for Israel."


Indeed, enough is enough. This is a supremacist country that thinks we are really dumb. Those members of Hagee's "Christians United for Israel" deserve to know about the Bible burning, no matter how many "anti-semite" cards are tossed at those bearing the truth of the news.

  LaDairis said:
This particular country gets $3 billion per year in US taxpayer cash, military assistance which they have been caught selling to the Chinese, the murder of the USS Liberty, lying about UN-violating settlements for the past 30 years, and our presence in Iraq is 100% because of this country and its manipulation of our political process with campaign cash and media influence. Jimmy Carter calls their system of racist oppression "Apartheid." They have bribed many "Christian leaders" like Pastor Hagee to manipulate US Christians into believing that Christians cannot go to Heaven unless the US wipes out all of their enemies. And then they censor a story like this that might cause Christians to re-think whether they are "united for Israel."


Indeed, enough is enough. This is a supremacist country that thinks we are really dumb. Those members of Hagee's "Christians United for Israel" deserve to know about the Bible burning, no matter how many "anti-semite" cards are tossed at those bearing the truth of the news.

I have two questions:


How do you feel about Dresden?




Is LaDairias French for Kurt?

  ieatcrayonz said:
I have two questions:


How do you feel about Dresden?




Is LaDairias French for Kurt?




Oh, I get it, another anti-semite card is played. Indeed, when the KKK was accused of being white supremacist in the 1950's, they responded by calling their accusers "anti-white."


You have a sheet over your head and nothing inside...




Notice that the JEW SUPREMACISTS here cannot debate the facts of the issue. All they do is toss out anti-semite cards. Enjoy the ADL's award to Tenet, traitor. Your precious Israel is going to pay, big time, for this latest act of supremacism and censorship.

  Wacka said:
We need a popcorn munching smiley.




Of course, your inability to define "conservative" outs you as a moron right off the bat. W is THE BIGGEST SPENDER since LBJ because he is "conservative." W socialized senior drugs because he is "conservative." W porked out to public education because he is "conservative."



Conservative foreign policy used to mean "non-interventionalist," which is why TRUE CONSERVATIVES like



Chuck Hagel

H Norman Schwarzkopf

Brent Scowcroft

Robert Novak

Pat Buchanan



all opposed





that being the Iraq invasion



where our rules for use of military force were completely re-written to please members of the media like Judy and Dennis Miller, who are 100% pro gay, pro abortion, pro tax, pro spend, and anti boy scout.



Indeed, Joe Lieberman's career ACU rating is 16, and that includes the mislabeled "conservative" votes for the "war on (exclusively anti-Israel) terror" and the dismantling of the Constitution.




W is a SOCIALIST BIBLE THUMPER, not a "conservative" in any sense of the word at all, no matter how many times Zionist Rupert Murdoch's network calls him that.

  LaDairis said:
Oh, I get it, another anti-semite card is played. Indeed, when the KKK was accused of being white supremacist in the 1950's, they responded by calling their accusers "anti-white."


You have a sheet over your head and nothing inside...




Notice that the JEW SUPREMACISTS here cannot debate the facts of the issue. All they do is toss out anti-semite cards. Enjoy the ADL's award to Tenet, traitor. Your precious Israel is going to pay, big time, for this latest act of supremacism and censorship.

Look, I find Jews annoying when they say Oy Vey all of the time too.


That doesn't mean they are supremacists, it just means they have annoying habits. Some Jews burn bibles but most don't. Canadian Jews probably burn them to keep warm if they can figure out how.


Don't let your hatred for a phrase or maybe a horrible food like Laux get your point of view out of whack.


Plus, what makes you think I am in the KKK? I have to admit that at times I have my head under a sheet, but in my line of work it is required. The ladies never ever complain. Trust me, I'm a lover, not a fighter.

  LaDairis said:
Of course, your inability to define "conservative" outs you as a moron right off the bat. W is THE BIGGEST SPENDER since LBJ because he is "conservative." W socialized senior drugs because he is "conservative." W porked out to public education because he is "conservative."



Conservative foreign policy used to mean "non-interventionalist," which is why TRUE CONSERVATIVES like



Chuck Hagel

H Norman Schwarzkopf

Brent Scowcroft

Robert Novak

Pat Buchanan



all opposed





that being the Iraq invasion



where our rules for use of military force were completely re-written to please members of the media like Judy and Dennis Miller, who are 100% pro gay, pro abortion, pro tax, pro spend, and anti boy scout.



Indeed, Joe Lieberman's career ACU rating is 16, and that includes the mislabeled "conservative" votes for the "war on (exclusively anti-Israel) terror" and the dismantling of the Constitution.




W is a SOCIALIST BIBLE THUMPER, not a "conservative" in any sense of the word at all, no matter how many times Zionist Rupert Murdoch's network calls him that.



Oy Vey!

Pass the popcorn!

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

  ieatcrayonz said:
Look, I find Jews annoying when they say Oy Vey all of the time too.


That doesn't mean they are supremacists, it just means they have annoying habits. Some Jews burn bibles but most don't. Canadian Jews probably burn them to keep warm if they can figure out how.


Don't let your hatred for a phrase or maybe a horrible food like Laux get your point of view out of whack.


Plus, what makes you think I am in the KKK? I have to admit that at times I have my head under a sheet, but in my line of work it is required. The ladies never ever complain. Trust me, I'm a lover, not a fighter.




You are attempting to blur JEW SUPREMACISTS into all Jews. That is totally wrong. US Senator Russ Feingold, for example, resisted the money and influence of AIPAC and voted as a patriotic American against the foolish Iraq invasion.


Does the phrase "white supremacist" imply all whites are supremacists?



If Israel wants our money, arms and support, they ought to stop burning Bibles and censoring. And that elected official needs to go ASAP.

  Wacka said:
Oy Vey!

Pass the popcorn!

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:




As expected, the "Republican" has no clue what the word "conservative" means, but he does know how to PARROT Fox News.

  LaDairis said:
As expected, the "Republican" has no clue what the word "conservative" means, but he does know how to PARROT Fox News.



WTF are you talking about??? :blink::blink:


I'm going out for a hike to work this popcorn off. :blink:

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