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FACT: Your Kid Will Be A Bigger kitty Than You Are


From the blog....


W.A.T.C.H. is a non-profit organization that seeks to protect children by educating parents on the dangers lurking in many toys. I saw on the news that they had released their “Safe Fun In The Sun” pamphlet to help reduce injuries this summer, and the news made it out to be a pamphlet full of EXTREME! DANGER! I wanted to see just what is considered dangerous these days, so I tracked down the original pamphlet to find out what all the fuss was about.

I’m all for trying to make kids safer, but I have to wonder what the hell is going on in the world that creates a need for a pamphlet like this to be written at all. I grew up in the 70’s, and when I think of how people grew up in the 50’s, I feel like a total kitty. I’m sure that when those people think of people who grew up during the Great Depression, they feel like pussies. When I see a pamphlet like this, I don’t feel bad anymore because I know that as time goes on, each generation will churn out bigger and bigger pussies for old people to feel tougher than. Need proof? Check out some of the main points in the pamphlet and tell me that you don’t agree…

FACT: Your Kid Will Be A Bigger kitty Than You Are


From the blog....


W.A.T.C.H. is a non-profit organization that seeks to protect children by educating parents on the dangers lurking in many toys. I saw on the news that they had released their “Safe Fun In The Sun” pamphlet to help reduce injuries this summer, and the news made it out to be a pamphlet full of EXTREME! DANGER! I wanted to see just what is considered dangerous these days, so I tracked down the original pamphlet to find out what all the fuss was about.

I’m all for trying to make kids safer, but I have to wonder what the hell is going on in the world that creates a need for a pamphlet like this to be written at all. I grew up in the 70’s, and when I think of how people grew up in the 50’s, I feel like a total kitty. I’m sure that when those people think of people who grew up during the Great Depression, they feel like pussies. When I see a pamphlet like this, I don’t feel bad anymore because I know that as time goes on, each generation will churn out bigger and bigger pussies for old people to feel tougher than. Need proof? Check out some of the main points in the pamphlet and tell me that you don’t agree…


Linky not workee

Point 6: “Super” Water Guns Have Caused Eye And Other Injuries




Reminds me of A Christmas Story...You'll shoot your eye out kid. But that was a pellet rifle....that looked like a real gun and not some cartoonish space weapon


I did notice a couple things they didn't mention on their list like Lawn Darts, Firecrackers, Bike Jousting, Street Football, Street Hockey, Street Baseball, Sledding on a city street, or playing King of the Hill on a 10 ft high snow mound in a parking lot. Do kids still play with these things from my childhood, or have they been P*ssified?


Every fourth of July, my friend would take a ship model and blow it up with a cherry bomb in the pool (Pearl Harbor).


We found our pinewood derby cars from cub scouts, hollowed out the end and put Estes rocket engines in them. I was smart and hid behind a 4 ft brick wall. They went at least a 1/4 mile down the street at an altitude of about 6 inches!


The same one with the cherry bombs decided to just light oneengine on the ground (again, I was behind the wall) it started following him until he reached the curb. Hit hit the curb and went straight up.


Pogey, anyone?


I remember a school bus driver so fed up with the pogeyers, that he put the bus in reverse and backed up a couple of feet, to discourage the practice.


No one was killed, and we learned the lesson.


Today that bus driver would be hoisted by the short hairs.


FACT: The old lockmaster where I worked and who I sarted under used to make the people who started before me clean up the PCB's on the floor that leaked out from the old transformer.


FACT: Under every painted structure where I work exists "red lead". Workers before were made to strip this material without personal protective equipment (PPE).


Boy I feel like a real pu$$y!






Who is the kitty now suffering from leukemia and other pu$$yless diseases? Not my pu$$y arse!


Glad I am a pu$$y and started 10 years later than most of these other stiffs... I must have a "jump" on some of these diseases? PCB's oozing from an old "wet type" transformer? ;) Clean that up with a mop and bucket, bare hands? :P:wallbash:


True, they don't make kids like they used to... They just don't make them fools anymore!




Kids don't play with toys anymore. They dont know the meaning of the words outdoors. Scraped knees, a couple bumps and bruises forget about it. Everything is inside on a pc, or video game system. I grew up in the late 80's-90's and it's drastic to me how much kids have changed. I remember when I was a youngin, I was outside all the time playing sports with friends, and neighbor kids, or riding my bike around. Play tackle football no pads, right outside on the lawn in front of my old elementary school. Baseball in the park a block away from my home. Roller hockey. Nowadays you'd be hard pressed to find kids outside having anything that resembles fun. If you even see them outside at all. It's like a baseball mitt is a foreign entity to these kids. Don't even get me started on the crap cartoons kids have the unfortunate pleasure of growing up with. :devil:


Point 4: Lead Can Cause Permanent, Irreversible Injuries

No sh--. Really? Is that why we weren’t allowed to eat the paint chips off the wall 30 years ago? Do enough people still not know about this that it needs to be included in a safety pamphlet? If not, they probably should’ve mentioned that smoking causes cancer and you shoudn’t put Benadryl in the baby’s milk to get it to go to sleep. Maybe they can add these oversights into next year’s pamphlet, or agree to omit them and stop treating American parents like idiots.


Most workers don't know this. They are told to go and do some work... So not to be "pu$$ies" they do what they are told.


Like I mentioned, a few years back at other field sites there was an outbreak of employees coming down with severe lead poisoning after they were working with "red lead".


What's one to do? Just like I said about mopping up PCB's with ones bare hands. I am sent out to do a job sandblasting the lock gates, I am gonna do it and not ask questions? Especially when you see the tell-tale deep red/orange under primer. Nobody likes to be called a pu$$y!




Point 7: Dive Sticks Could Potentially Impale Children


I too said WTF when I read that, not so much because of the advisement, but THIS bit of info:


"In the 70’s we didn’t worry about impaling ourselves on dive sticks because we knew that if you dove hard enough into the shallow end of the pool that you could impale yourself on a dive stick, then dive stick or not, you’re pretty much fugged in the impending battle between your neck and the bottom of the pool."


:blink: Dive sticks? I never even heard of these things in the 70s OR 80s?

AHEM *channelling the spirit Cincy* I don't remember any dive sticks, if we wanted to play "fetch" in the pool we dove after a rock, a Star Wars action figure, or something else that sunk, not a specially designed fuggin "dive stick!" I guess the Zayres and Hills in Jamestown didn't carry "divesticks."


Dive stick... :thumbsup:


Remember Jarts? Well tossing them trying to get them into the hoop was a kitty game to us. We'd all stand in a group and someone would throw one up in the air as high as possible and we'd all scatter. If the dart landed on your head you were out. :thumbsup:

Remember Jarts? Well tossing them trying to get them into the hoop was a kitty game to us. We'd all stand in a group and someone would throw one up in the air as high as possible and we'd all scatter. If the dart landed on your head you were out. :thumbsup:

I actually did take a jart in the head once. A couple stitches and I was back out there wreaking havoc the same day.

I actually did take a jart in the head once. A couple stitches and I was back out there wreaking havoc the same day.


I remember one summer we got bored and were missing snowball fights. Well no snow so what're the next best thing? Rock and stones. Yes! Stone wars. So much better than snowballs. Best thing was a handfull of pepples used as a "machine gun" type of spray shot. What a blast, of course until one of us took a good sized grenade to the head.

I remember one summer we got bored and were missing snowball fights. Well no snow so what're the next best thing? Rock and stones. Yes! Stone wars. So much better than snowballs. Best thing was a handfull of pepples used as a "machine gun" type of spray shot. What a blast, of course until one of us took a good sized grenade to the head.

Yup. Been there. I miss the fun of spontaneous violence.


I remember a football game we used to call Fumblitis. It was a particularly brutal version of smear the queer. Good times.

Yup. Been there. I miss the fun of spontaneous violence.


I remember a football game we used to call Fumblitis. It was a particularly brutal version of smear the queer. Good times.

We played that too. Called it "funny fumbles" when the parents were around, otherwise, smeer the queer.

We played that too. Called it "funny fumbles" when the parents were around, otherwise, smeer the queer.


If our 'rents were around it was Kill the Carrier. :thumbsup:


I had the neighborhood "record" for consecutive tackles without missing one. What a bunch of dorks we were for "tracking a stat" like that.

Yup. Been there. I miss the fun of spontaneous violence.


I remember a football game we used to call Fumblitis. It was a particularly brutal version of smear the queer. Good times.


Smear the queer. :thumbsup: Ahh, the memories. I'm headed back to WNY in a couple of weeks for a wedding and this thread will give me great stuff to reminisce about with my brother.

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