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Poz is reading "Guns Germs & Steel"

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I only post here when I feel passionately about something. I used to post about the Marshawn Lynch case because the second I implied that Lynch may have been drinking I was attacked from all angles. Then I discovered this forum a week or so ago and the same thing happened. That's the only reason I came back!


I just did a search for username Molson and it came up empty.


Is it this guy?


You feel passionately that Jared Diamond's mass market books are intelligent?


Frickin' loon.

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You feel passionately that Jared Diamond's mass market books are intelligent?


Frickin' loon.


How old are you? You're resorting to mocking someone's taste in books? Really? And what's with this "mass market" buzz phrase you keep throwing around? How many times are you going to repeat yourself???

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How old are you? You're resorting to mocking someone's taste in books? Really? And what's with this "mass market" buzz phrase you keep throwing around? How many times are you going to repeat yourself???


I'm not mocking your taste in books, I'm mocking your definition of "intelligent". You're kind of slow, aren't you?

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I'm not mocking your taste in books, I'm mocking your definition of "intelligent". You're kind of slow, aren't you?


Congratulations, you responded without using your creative buzz phrases "mass marketed" or "third rate". Good work. I love how you have this negative opinion of the book yet you are unable to articulate a single criticism you have of it. You haven't told me one thing about the book. I bet you leafed through it at Borders and got discouraged when you saw the font was smaller than 18 and went and bought one of Hannity's "mass marketed", "third rate", 75 page, 35 font, third grade level, red white and blue pamphlets.

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I only post here when I feel passionately about something.


For those of you keeping score at home, from a quick review of page 1 topics, the list of things molton_elliot feels "passionately" about include:


--What book the Bills' MLB is reading

--Keeping tabs on famous skank Ashley Dupree

--Oliver Stone's 'W'

--Whether or not opening fire on your lawnmower is a Constitutionally protected right

--What some kook had to say on the Howard Stern show


Wow....those are some deep thought Jack Handly!



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For those of you keeping score at home, from a quick review of page 1 topics, the list of things molton_elliot feels "passionately" about include:


--What book the Bills' MLB is reading

--Keeping tabs on famous skank Ashley Dupree

--Oliver Stone's 'W'

--Whether or not opening fire on your lawnmower is a Constitutionally protected right

--What some kook had to say on the Howard Stern show


Wow....those are some deep thought Jack Handly!




You don't feel passionately about her? Have you seen her in those short shorts and high heels??????????????

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You don't feel passionately about her? Have you seen her in those short shorts and high heels??????????????


Oh, I don't know. Maybe with some women you can suspend reality. With her, not so much.


Keep it up with deep thoughts, Mr. Handy.

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Awwwww, did I hurt your feelings because I pointed out your lack of machismo and virility? I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you by buying you a new sundress, how does that sound?


Says the man with a longing for a crack whore.

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Congratulations, you responded without using your creative buzz phrases "mass marketed" or "third rate". Good work. I love how you have this negative opinion of the book yet you are unable to articulate a single criticism you have of it. You haven't told me one thing about the book. I bet you leafed through it at Borders and got discouraged when you saw the font was smaller than 18 and went and bought one of Hannity's "mass marketed", "third rate", 75 page, 35 font, third grade level, red white and blue pamphlets.


It's a mass-marketed book, dipshit. It's a book published for the general audience - the mass market. That's not a "buzz phrase".


And why should I articulate a criticism for you? You've managed to misunderstand every single thing I've posted so far. Hell, you still can't understand that I never said I didn't like it, I said that it wasn't "intelligent".

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