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Global Warming Hurts Blacks More

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Here's the reasoning:


Blacks are more than twice as likely as whites to live in cities where the so-called heat island effect is expected to make temperature increases more severe, the newly formed group said at a briefing.


More blacks also will be "fuel poor" as energy demand rises due to higher air-conditioning loads, population growth and urbanization, commission said.

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Pretty fuggin stupid. Last I checked, no one was required to live in cities or in climates that require extensive heating costs to survive.


It's hard to comment on the reasoning without seeing some demographics information and other crucial methodology (your point, for instance, brings up the requirement of having the resources to move long distances into another climate).

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It's hard to comment on the reasoning without seeing some demographics information and other crucial methodology (your point, for instance, brings up the requirement of having the resources to move long distances into another climate).


I would submit that it doesn't cost all that much to move to a different climate. Two tanks of gas or one bus ticket can take you a pretty long way.


But regardless, what is the point? There is zero cause and effect between global warming and being black. Just because statistics happen to fall on one side of the fence or another doesn't mean anything is wrong or anyone is at fault. When did "so what?" stop being a reasonable answer to such mundane observations? Or are we going to sue Mother Nature (and Bills Mgmt) for being racist? Where does the nonsense end?

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Global Warming and Evolution are both BS. I mean, how much weight does a scientific consensus hold anyway?


Penn Gillette says global warming is bull sh-- and to me his opinion is worth much more than that of every scientific body in the world (with the exception of the petroleum geologists).

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Penn Gillette says global warming is bull sh-- and to me his opinion is worth much more than that of every scientific body in the world (with the exception of the petroleum geologists).



I guess the other 358 links I provided are all garbage too.


You're an ass.

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So you believe that Blacks are hurt more by Global warming?

I've never really given it much thought, but I'd guess not significantly more than anyone else. We're only talking about a difference of a few degrees here and there to the best of my (limited) knowledge about the subject. The impact on people doesn't sound so bad. It's the melting of the arctic ice, raising of sea levels, disruption of the ocean currents, destruction of coral reefs and sea life, displacement of large portions of the world's population, etc... Probably not so much that people are going to be dying of heat stroke.


But I don't really know. That's why I choose to trust the opinion of 90+% of the worlds climate scientists who say it is so. I was really only commenting on your clinging to the idea that human beings are not causing these things to happen.

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So the only requirements to moving to a new home is either 2 tanks of gas or a bus ticket?


Pretty much. Aren't we talking about the urban poor who generally live in < 1000 sf apartments? They aren't going to have a 24' moving van full of stuff.



I love how some people can not even begin to imagine how people lived in this country 75 years ago.

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But regardless, what is the point? There is zero cause and effect between global warming and being black. Just because statistics happen to fall on one side of the fence or another doesn't mean anything is wrong or anyone is at fault.


No argument from me here, though I don't think pointing out that it hurts blacks/whites/poor people/green people/etc. more is any cause to be offended, but rather just an observation - which it seemed like Eryn had an issue with (since its what he pointed out in the title of the thread - not the redistribution program).


When did "so what?" stop being a reasonable answer to such mundane observations? Or are we going to sue Mother Nature (and Bills Mgmt) for being racist? Where does the nonsense end?


The Congressman's transgression is using the results simply as a political ploy - he gets points with the Dems for taxing companies due to global warming, and he scores major points in his district (the only district in South Carolina with has a majority of blacks at 57%, and is rather poor, with a median income at $28,976, so he's redistributing wealth to it.).

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