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Another day, another GOP senator in legal hot water

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A United States Senator being indicted is a waste of bandwidth? Why? Is it because he's a Republican?


No it's a waste of bandwidth reading your personal crusade. Which of course people like AD and DC Tom will end up responding to and pwning you. To which you will then try to retort, only to repeatedly get pwnd.


Funny? Yes. But the bandwidth/server space could be better spent on links to Scarlett Johanson

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No it's a waste of bandwidth reading your personal crusade. Which of course people like AD and DC Tom will end up responding to and pwning you. To which you will then try to retort, only to repeatedly get pwnd.


Funny? Yes. But the bandwidth/server space could be better spent on links to Scarlett Johanson


What's pwnd?

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But not worth starting a thread about. :worthy:


When a Democratic Senator gets indicted I will be the first to start a thread about. This Ted Stevens indictment is breaking news and I'm not allowed to mention it? What about people who start only anti-Obama Threads? Should they be required to make anti-McCain threads as well?

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Didn't you see the link I posted in one of the threads yesterday?


Pointed to this website: http://elegantelliotoffen.justgotowned.com/


If you want a definition of pwnd, Ask Wiki


I try not to click links from forums.


Can I ask you this, isn't the indictment of a sitting U.S. Senator at least as noteworthy as an alledged love child of a former U.S. Senator?

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I try not to click links from forums.


Can I ask you this, isn't the indictment of a sitting U.S. Senator at least as noteworthy as an alledged love child of a former U.S. Senator?


Guess you didn't read AD's links then eh

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