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Will the deficit grow bigger under Obama

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Hard to give any of it credence as the effects of such things are generally not short term.


At the end of the day, the government will take in far less than they spend, regardless of the promises. And eventually our standard of living will pay dearly for it.


It's only just begun.

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With a record forecast for this year (490 make-believe dollars), I am going to bet that Obama's deficit will be less than Bush's. This is just a prediction mind you, because I think Obama's tax increases will narrow the gap some.


The 2K peeled off your hide will help. Just don't resent it. :P

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It will be less than Bush, but pretty close. Revenues will drop more than his administration plans for.



But heck, every kindergartner will have new crayons and every illegal immigrant will have free health care, and the rest of the world will now respect and admire us for our social programs. Especially Russia, China, Venezuela, Iran, and all the places who don't like us now.

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Say what you want about moveon: I always liked the ad showing kids working to pay off Bush's debt and it turns out it was right on point.



Re: your signature... LOVE the blog, and I certainly hope you're not in agreement with that twit justnzane.

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Obama with Democrat Congress = Increased deficit

Obama with Republican Congress = Decreased deficit


McCain with Republican Congress = Increased deficit

McCain with Democrat Congress = Decreased deficit


Checks and balances = good

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Obama with Democrat Congress = Increased deficit

Obama with Republican Congress = Decreased deficit


McCain with Republican Congress = Increased deficit

McCain with Democrat Congress = Decreased deficit


Checks and balances = good


Bush with Democratic Congress = Biggest Deficit of All-time....

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With a record forecast for this year (490 make-believe dollars), I am going to bet that Obama's deficit will be less than Bush's. This is just a prediction mind you, because I think Obama's tax increases will narrow the gap some.


That 490 billion forecast are the White House numbers. They ignored the Congressional mandate to include the 80 billion appropriated for Iraq, so the real number is around 570 billion.


Just like Nixon going to China, it might take someone like Obama to tell Americans that we need to tighten our federal budget belts to correct the mistakes of the past 8 years, and they'll believe him over someone else who gave disproportionate breaks to the wealthy and corporations. Ending the Iraq occupation, letting taxes get back to the pre-Bush levels, and sticking to pay-go principles in Congress should reduce the deficit, but some of it will also depend on the value of the dollar on the world markets.

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Right, that's his point. A Democratic Congress with a Democratic President = Increased deficit.

Doubtful. They're so disorganized it's unlikely they'll pass anything. It'll be much like the first 2 Clinton years.


Doesn't really matter. There's no such thing as "fiscal responsibility" in Washington. The mandated spending is so out of hand that even cutting everything else ensures a ridiculous deficit. And we know they're not cutting everything else so let's just sit back and watch the abyss.

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Obama with Democrat Congress = Increased deficit

Obama with Republican Congress = Decreased deficit


McCain with Republican Congress = Increased deficit

McCain with Democrat Congress = Decreased deficit


Checks and balances = good

about the only post I can agree with here.



Now, JSP i love the caring affection you displayed for me :D, but I still stand by what I say.


Our gov't is in deep sh--, and unless we control our spending and up the taxes to make up for our deficit, my generation and every generation after will suffer for the runaway spending that has occurred over the past 8 years.

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