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[closed]Assume that Peters doesn't play this year;

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He likely will, but assume for a second that Peters holds out the entire season, an entirely unrealistic proposition for one reason or another.


But what would our record be without him?


How would our offfense perform?

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He likely will, but assume for a second that Peters holds out the entire season, an entirely unrealistic proposition for one reason or another.


But what would our record be without him?


How would our offfense perform?


Why don't you just save us all some time and tell us what YOUR opinion, why it's superior, and how it benefits JP?

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Why don't you just save us all some time and tell us what YOUR opinion, why it's superior, and how it benefits JP?

Just can't let go of the JP thing, can ya.


Tell me though as it would help, in your view which is greater, 1.5 or .9? Simple math test.


Two entirely arbitrary numbers by the way.

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