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[closed]What would you do if you were Peters? The Bills?

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It's fairly apparent that the Bills front office is well out of touch with the reality of contracts and particularly the value-contact value relationship. After all, they've dropped a sizeable amount of both cash and contract value on players like Price, Fowler, Tripplett and Robert Royal just two years ago as the first moves of the new and current regime. Yet, only two of those players remains on the team with Fowler likely gone after the season and Royal's spot now being threatened by a one-dimensional second year Derrick Schouman. Yeah, great signing all those were.


No need to mention some of the silly money being thrown around for other players that are clearly backups here or otherwise haven't proven a thing.


Regardless, put yourself in Peters' shoes and the team's shoes. What do you do if you're either?


Obviously Peters feels passionate about his position whether you agree with him or his approach or not. As to the team, who knows what they're thinking and for reasons of preservation of sanity, perhaps best to not know.


But you're Peters, what do you do and how?


If you're the team, what do you do and how?


To me it's not so much the fact that Peter's contract now in hindsight from when he restructured his deal two years ago is undervalued. Rather it's the way that this team seems to continually not pay its top performers going back to the past even with Ruben Brown, Pat Williams, Nate Clements, but then opens their pocket books to deals that annually pay out only a marginal amount less for players that don't do even close what those now getting the money do.


Also, at the time of Peters' restructuring, he hadn't even played LT yet where he has since not only started but played to top levels.


I would just have as soon waived Kelsay, never signed Spencer Johnson, and released Brad Butler and paid Peters than piss off Peters if he's not gonna play this season. Our OL stunk the joint up last season and without Peters it would be a tough argument to make that our line wouldn't have been the worst in the league last year in spite of our offense largely due to its line play last year being the worst in the league at scoring TDs and in other efficiencies.


Regardless, what would you do if you were the team? Peters?

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I agree with whats stated on there.


The Bills should renegotiate the deal, but they shouldn't do that until he reports to camp.

As good as peters is, you simply just can not set that precedent.


Lee Evans is in camp and a new deal is being worked on. Peters should take a page from that book. All he is doing right now is showing how selfish he is.

If he plays his thoughts through to conclusion .. nothing good happens from his holdout. And both the Bills and peters' agent know that.


The Bills should be patient here and let Peters make the next move.




It's fairly apparent that the Bills front office is well out of touch with the reality of contracts and particularly the value-contact value relationship. After all, they've dropped a sizeable amount of both cash and contract value on players like Price, Fowler, Tripplett and Robert Royal just two years ago as the first moves of the new and current regime. Yet, only two of those players remains on the team with Fowler likely gone after the season and Royal's spot now being threatened by a one-dimensional second year Derrick Schouman. Yeah, great signing all those were.


No need to mention some of the silly money being thrown around for other players that are clearly backups here or otherwise haven't proven a thing.


Regardless, put yourself in Peters' shoes and the team's shoes. What do you do if you're either?


Obviously Peters feels passionate about his position whether you agree with him or his approach or not. As to the team, who knows what they're thinking and for reasons of preservation of sanity, perhaps best to not know.


But you're Peters, what do you do and how?


If you're the team, what do you do and how?


To me it's not so much the fact that Peter's contract now in hindsight from when he restructured his deal two years ago is undervalued. Rather it's the way that this team seems to continually not pay its top performers going back to the past even with Ruben Brown, Pat Williams, Nate Clements, but then opens their pocket books to deals that annually pay out only a marginal amount less for players that don't do even close what those now getting the money do.


Also, at the time of Peters' restructuring, he hadn't even played LT yet where he has since not only started but played to top levels.


I would just have as soon waived Kelsay, never signed Spencer Johnson, and released Brad Butler and paid Peters than piss off Peters if he's not gonna play this season. Our OL stunk the joint up last season and without Peters it would be a tough argument to make that our line wouldn't have been the worst in the league last year in spite of our offense largely due to its line play last year being the worst in the league at scoring TDs and in other efficiencies.


Regardless, what would you do if you were the team? Peters?

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I agree with whats stated on there.


The Bills should renegotiate the deal, but they shouldn't do that until he reports to camp.

As good as peters is, you simply just can not set that precedent.


Lee Evans is in camp and a new deal is being worked on. Peters should take a page from that book. All he is doing right now is showing how selfish he is.

If he plays his thoughts through to conclusion .. nothing good happens from his holdout. And both the Bills and peters' agent know that.


The Bills should be patient here and let Peters make the next move.


This troll Krazykat can't grasp this concept so don't even try to explain it to him. He's either incredibly stupid or he has it in for the Bills so badly he ignores the facts so he can make his idiotic rants.



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