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Oilver Stone's "W"

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The actor's portraying Rumsfeld, Barbara Bush, Laura Bush and GHW Bush look nothing like them.


What?? Gross inaccuracies in an Oliver Stone movie?? I'm stunned. ;)


Next thing you'll be telling me that Michael Moore movies are nothing more than propaganda targeting gullible dopes.

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What?? Gross inaccuracies in an Oliver Stone movie?? I'm stunned. ;)


Next thing you'll be telling me that Michael Moore movies are nothing more than propaganda targeting gullible dopes.


Wasn't there an equally inaccurate and stupid and forgotten film about the Reagan presidency, or maybe it was a TV documentary? You know, that only the pathetic fools who believed it, and then tended to regurgitate the stuff in it over the years, some posting the BS to forums like this one, trying to hammer home the lies as best they could, unendingly, to everyone and anyone who might listen? No agenda here? I won't see this movie. I will say this over and over again. You can't say something over and over again and make it TRUE! Oh wait...what the hell am I doing then? All right then. Maybe, this is the only time I will ever say that.

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Wasn't there an equally inaccurate and stupid and forgotten film about the Reagan presidency, or maybe it was a TV documentary? You know, that only the pathetic fools who believed it, and then tended to regurgitate the stuff in it over the years, some posting the BS to forums like this one, trying to hammer home the lies as best they could, unendingly, to everyone and anyone who might listen? No agenda here? I won't see this movie. I will say this over and over again. You can't say something over and over again and make it TRUE! Oh wait...what the hell am I doing then? All right then. Maybe, this is the only time I will ever say that.


That was an ABC miniseries from a few years ago. I never saw it.

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That was an ABC miniseries from a few years ago. I never saw it.


To be fair, ABC pulled the plug on a shallow bath after they saw it was a pile of warm sh-- that came out of the tap. The film's producers dished it off to some cable network iirc.

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What?? Gross inaccuracies in an Oliver Stone movie?? I'm stunned. ;)


Next thing you'll be telling me that Michael Moore movies are nothing more than propaganda targeting gullible dopes.


Like their weren't enough gullible dopes hanging around places like this in late/early 2002/2003.


I am confused... There must be a lot of gullible dopes...


My point? There is a lot more propaganda out there targeting even MORE gullible dopes.

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