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My only concern is if Jauron can drive the new Ferrari

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This team is ready to take a quantum leap this year barring injuries. Will Jauron be ready to step up to the plate or will he wilt? I'm confident in the defense being solid, special teams spectacular and the offense being downright explosive. My only question at this time is will Jauron play conservatively or will he be willing to be a little flambouyant this year?

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This team is ready to take a quantum leap this year barring injuries. Will Jauron be ready to step up to the plate or will he wilt? I'm confident in the defense being solid, special teams spectacular and the offense being downright explosive. My only question at this time is will Jauron play conservatively or will he be willing to be a little flambouyant this year?

to be sure you will have to wait at least til after the 1st regular season game. my guess is he will be just who he is.

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This team is ready to take a quantum leap this year barring injuries. Will Jauron be ready to step up to the plate or will he wilt? I'm confident in the defense being solid, special teams spectacular and the offense being downright explosive. My only question at this time is will Jauron play conservatively or will he be willing to be a little flambouyant this year?

He'll keep that baby in 1st or 2nd gear on the open road.

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You may all be right...they say it is difficult for a zebra to change its' stripes. However, I am somewhat encouraged by the choice of Schonert as OC. He has learned under some of the more innovative offensive minds in the NFL over the last 30 years. I have a real good feeling about him, although, it is just a feeling, we have no proof yet. I am encouraged to hear that the receivers have been working on "crossing routes" much more than they have in years. I know a crossing rout is pretty basic, but I don't think the Bills have made them much a part of their passing game, in years. Guys like Josh Reed and Roscoe Parrish are built for this kind of thing....Reed is physically solid, and Parrish is so fast, if he can get his hands on a ball over the middle, he seems like the kind of guy who could bust out for some mahor YAC, with a little daylight...


Lets' think positive....

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Halfway through the season, I don't think anybody will be using the word "explosive" to describe a Dick Jauron offense. They could be 5-3 at that time...hell, they could finish 11-5 and make the playoffs. But it will be defense, special teams, and an efficient, conservative offense that do it for them. Jauron's been around the NFL too long to change his stripes.

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Halfway through the season, I don't think anybody will be using the word "explosive" to describe a Dick Jauron offense. They could be 5-3 at that time...hell, they could finish 11-5 and make the playoffs. But it will be defense, special teams, and an efficient, conservative offense that do it for them. Jauron's been around the NFL too long to change his stripes.


I tend to agree. Unless we are up by alot in a given game, we will play conservatively.

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My only concern is if Jauron can drive the new Ferrari, once he gets the keys to it.

Ferrari? We might have a loaded Impala at this point, but I don't think we are anywhere near Ferrari level.

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if we get turnovers, kick but on special teams, and can just convert some of our 3s into 7s we'll be plenty good enough on O. some big plays here and there are important, but if we are physical and tough that will be better than big stats.

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Halfway through the season, I don't think anybody will be using the word "explosive" to describe a Dick Jauron offense. They could be 5-3 at that time...hell, they could finish 11-5 and make the playoffs. But it will be defense, special teams, and an efficient, conservative offense that do it for them. Jauron's been around the NFL too long to change his stripes.


I expect the Bills to play conservative on offense. Last year it was almost physically painful to watch them sometimes.


BUT, having said that, it DOES sometimes happen that a leopard changes its spots. Marv Levy, for instance, came to Buffalo with a long-time reputation as running extremely conservative offenses. You could look it up. I lived in Kansas City while he coached the Chiefs, and he was noted for relying on a big-back grind-it-out running game, a descendant of George Allen's Redskins offense. Fans in KC were happy to see him fired after six seasons of no success. When the Bills hired him, I thought, "Oh, crap, not Levy. They'll never score another touchdown through the air."


Well, I guess I was wrong, wasn't I? He had some different talent at Buffalo, and more important, he hired Ted Marchibroda as OC, and the game had changed so Marv changed with it. The Bills went from being a team that complained bitterly when Cincinatti used the no-huddle offense against them, to the most successful proponent ever of the no-huddle offense.


I don't expect it to happen with Jauron, but stranger things have come to pass.

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I would say he did pretty good that one year when he was given a decent team to work with and he won coach of the year


Its hard to win alot of races, when the only car you are ever given to drive is a beat up old Tempo




He's never backed it up with anything but mediocrity or less, but he has that opportunity this year.

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He's never backed it up with anything but mediocrity or less, but he has that opportunity this year.

He also never had the same kind of team that he had that year, which was my point. We don't know what he is capable of when given a Ferrari (or the Fiero that looks like a Ferrari)


He is the kind of coach that gets his players to play hard for him all the time, and give 100%, usually resulting in teams over achieving, so giving him alot of quality players, as long as they play atleast up to their potential, should mean good things, even with a conservative offence.

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He lets his coaches coach. If Turk wants to play bombs away; I think Jauron lets him. If Turk wants to play dink and dunk; I think Jauron lets him.

Exactly, especially when it comes to the offence, i think he is a little more hands on with the defence because he is a defensive coach, he lets his offensive coaches do their thing with the offence

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Last year, even though I'm sure that Jauron had a big hand in the conservative nature of the team, especially the offense, we knew for a fact that he didn't step in and overrule his offensive coordinator even though it was clear to everyone there were serious problems. So I wouldn't expect him to look over Turk's shoulders too much either. So your answer may have to be what will Jauron/Shonert do with the offense.


Both sides of the ball should be a lot more aggressive this year, for numerous reasons. But we don't know what kind of game-planner and playcaller Turk will be. He's got some tools, the team should get better field position because of the defense, we have an easier schedule, we're not nearly as young or new to each other as before, etc.


Jauron has never had a team with this much talent before (and it's not like we're in the top ten in the league in talent, just far above what we had before). We don't know if he's purely conservative or just knew that was the only way to stay close last year. On defense, I see us being a lot more aggressive. Fewell has already shown glimpses of it and now he has a lot more toys.


On offense, we're not going to be throwing the ball all over the place but we could have some nice diversity. It should be a lot more fun to watch, but IMO it's going to be a little more frustrating than we believe right now, as I don't personally have a lot of confidence in Shonert. Since he's never done it before, he has to be given a chance, and he may be a lot different than his predecessors. Lets hope so.

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He also never had the same kind of team that he had that year, which was my point. We don't know what he is capable of when given a Ferrari (or the Fiero that looks like a Ferrari)


He is the kind of coach that gets his players to play hard for him all the time, and give 100%, usually resulting in teams over achieving, so giving him alot of quality players, as long as they play atleast up to their potential, should mean good things, even with a conservative offence.


Until he wins a playoff game he's the wrong coach in my book. He's got better talent now than in his first year ('06) at most positions on this team. He needs to turn that into more than 7 wins in my book. Anything less than 9-7 this year is a failure of this staff and a playoff win or bust next year as far as I'm concerned. Frankly, I think this is a very reasonable expectation at this point in time.

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This team is ready to take a quantum leap this year barring injuries. Will Jauron be ready to step up to the plate or will he wilt? I'm confident in the defense being solid, special teams spectacular and the offense being downright explosive. My only question at this time is will Jauron play conservatively or will he be willing to be a little flambouyant this year?

I'm pretty sure Jauron won't be driving the ferrari. It will be

driving. I don't think it will work.
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This team is ready to take a quantum leap this year barring injuries. Will Jauron be ready to step up to the plate or will he wilt? I'm confident in the defense being solid, special teams spectacular and the offense being downright explosive. My only question at this time is will Jauron play conservatively or will he be willing to be a little flambouyant this year?


I like DJ but let's face the facts. He's soooo booooring! What kind of car do you think he drives? I'm going with a Ford Taurus. :P

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