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He endorsed Pat Buchanan as well in the 90's and Pat got really pissed at Howard




Daniel Carver Reveals He's Backing McCain For President. 07/21/08. 7:35am


Howard came back and got Daniel Carver on the phone. He asked Daniel if he's still a member of the KKK. Daniel said that he's always going to be a member of the white race. He was saying ''wake up white people'' and was very riled up this morning.

Howard asked Daniel if he's still a member of the KKK. Daniel said that he's a lifetime member so of course he's in it. He said that they don't go around hanging people or anything. He said that they do have dues that he has to pay. He said that he's not a grand dragon anymore because he's getting too old for that stuff. Daniel said that the dues are his time that he puts in. He doesn't have to give any money.


Howard found out that Daniel is part Indian so they pointed out that they're pretty dark skinned. Howard said he's going to write a letter to the KKK and get him kicked out if that's the case. Daniel said that they were the ones who found out that he was part Indian when they did a DNA test on him. Howard had forgotten about that.


Howard said that the reason they're calling him today is because they want to know who he would back for President. Daniel doesn't usually vote because he doesn't believe that it would make a difference. Then he started to spew some bible crap and how God may just put Obama in the White House and that's going to curse us and ruin this country.


Daniel said there's nothing they can do about it if God wants to put him in there. He said that of course he's going to vote for McCain. He said that it won't matter if God wants Obama in office though. Howard asked if he ever thought he'd see this day that a black man could get into office. Daniel said that he never thought he'd see it when a black person could drink from the same fountain as a white person.


Howard asked Daniel what he would do if McCain took Joe Lieberman, a Jew, as Vice President. Daniel said he won't vote at all if that's the case. He said that he won't vote for no nig*er or a Jew. He said that he can't vote for either.


Howard asked Daniel what's going to happen if a black man is elected President. Daniel said that this nation will turn into a third world country based on what he's read in the bible. He said that it's going to be a curse that God is going to put on us for not following his rules. He said that's what the Mexican's are to this country and that's why they're invading this country.


Howard said that this Obama makes a lot of sense to him but Daniel said that he makes about as much sense as Martin Luther King. He said that Martin Luther King didn't write his own speeches and Obama isn't writing his own either. Daniel was saying that a black person can mate with a monkey and have babies with them. He said that he's read that stuff in National Geographic magazine. Howard said he didn't know that. Daniel said that every black baby is like a little monkey.


Howard asked Daniel when he became so vicious. He said that he had become kind of nice the last couple of times he was on. Daniel said he hasn't changed, he's just telling it like it is.


Howard said that when Stalin was running Russia he tried to mate humans with monkeys but it turned out it didn't work. Daniel said that it does work and he's read about it. Howard said that he'd like to see that article.


Howard said that this Obama thing must be a big blow to him. Daniel said that it is and he would have voted for Hillary if she had gotten the nomination. He said he didn't like Hillary but it would have gotten Bill back. He said he wasn't a fan of Bill's either but he's better than the two that are running now.


Howard said that maybe this is a good sign for this country. He said that it would show that we can all get along. Daniel said that it's going to be another one of those curses that God puts on us for not following his rules.


Howard said that Daniel never expected this and asked him if he'd prefer a Jew over a black guy. Daniel said that he'd rather have the monkey over the devil, yes. Howard said that it's very interesting that he and his wife are bonded in that hate that they have for these people. He asked if his wife still keeps her black dolls segregated from the white ones. Daniel said that of course she does. He said that everything should be segregated from cows to clothing.


Howard said that he dated a black woman. Daniel said that just proves that he's the devil. Howard said that he even had sex with black people. Daniel asked him if he threw up. Howard joked that he did but that was a fluke.


Howard said that there are a lot of black people out there who are better educated than Daniel. Daniel said that Robin isn't intelligent and she looks like Whoopi Goldberg. Daniel continued to throw out the racial stuff and goofed on Robin a bit.


Howard wrapped up with Daniel and was about to let him go. Artie asked where his wife was. Daniel said that she was at home and he was at work. He said that's what White people do, they work. Howard told Daniel that Robin is dating a white guy, Jim Florentine. Daniel said that guy is a nut. Artie agreed with him on that.


Daniel said that Robin is going to hell for doing that. Artie told Daniel that he's been with a black woman as well. He told Daniel that he's Italian and not black or a Jew. Daniel said they like Italians and even have some in the Klan.


Daniel said that he rode in a car with Artie's mother on their last day at K-Rock. Artie said that he had forgotten about that. He said that his mother and sister rode in a cab with Daniel because they weren't able to get a ride. He said that he's got a picture of the two of them with Daniel and they're smiling like they were meeting a celebrity. They had to wrap up with Daniel a short time later. Howard went to break after that.


Howard's still on the air? Can a 54 year old man still be a sophomoric shock jock?


Oh, yeah. He's on Sirius pay-for-radio. Hope Obama's increased taxes will leave me enough to maintain my subscription.

Never listen to Howard though. He's boring.


Here, I'll make you feel better: Baba-Booey!


Well, that does it! There's no way I could ever consider voting for him now!



Thanks for sharing this with me...I might've made a bad mistake!
















Actually I'm shocked that half of the KKK vote isn't going to Obama...I mean he is half of a 'typical White Person' isn't he?


So, various persons' bullsh-- reasoning for why they're voting for Candidate X affects anyone else's vote how? Neither McCain nor Obama can control who votes for them or for what reason. I don't get why some people get so worked up by endorsements.


And I had dinner last night with my uncle who hanged Howard Stern out of a window (and he was this ][ close to letting go) back when Stern was at WCCC in Hartford. Stern was an * then and he's an even bigger * now.

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