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pwnd! - Brothers Defend Brooklyn Bodega With Machetes


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"He had a knife on him and he said, 'I will stab you,' and I told him 'Don't even try it because, you know, my knife is more bigger than yours. Don't even think about it.'"

- Sammy Othman


It doesn't get any more basic than that! What a quote! :thumbsup::worthy:

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Good for them.


Some recent Grand Jury decisions in Hamilton County (Cincinnati) OH:


- ex-boyfriend breaks in, whacks people with baseball bat, chases one retreating into another room, and perp gets his brains blown out.


- robber invades convenience store, starts a barrage of cans at the clerk, clerk blows his brains out.


- 2 young thugs point guns at bar patron's heads, regular customer wrestles gun from 1 thug and blows the criminal's brains out.


- Boss drops his co-worker off, her ex-boyfriend jumps from the bushes and beats her with a pistol. The punk fires a shot at the boss, and the boss runs him down and kills him.


- Young punk steals car from the driveway of a licensed concealed-carry owner. Punk goes to the end of the street, turns and runs the car up on the walk aiming for the car owner. Owner aims for the windshield and blows punks' brains out.


All these criminals had the proverbial record of convictions an arms' length long.


The Grand Jury failed to indict any of the crime victims. :thumbsup:

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"He had a knife on him and he said, 'I will stab you,' and I told him 'Don't even try it because, you know, my knife is more bigger than yours. Don't even think about it.'"

- Sammy Othman


It doesn't get any more basic than that! What a quote! :thumbsup::worthy:


When I read that, I immediately thought of

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