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I'll actually answer yes to that question, because an educated person will be able to differentiate opinion from fact. But when you have such a bias like Fox does, your less intelligent viewers take the extreme opinions as fact. That in and ofitself is dangerous


And if the same stupid people watched CNN/NBC/etc they wouldn't also be fooled by their so called objective reporting? :cry:

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And if the same stupid people watched CNN/NBC/etc they wouldn't also be fooled by their so called objective reporting? :cry:

Well, you are right, however those networks aren't propaganda machines to the extent that Fox is. The anchors for Fox would probably be ousted off of those other networks when they display their intolerance towards certain groups. Rupert Murdoch allows such one sided reporting to occur only when it supports the side he believes in. The lack of journalistic integrity at Fox News pollutes the airwaves and encourages such a horrible agenda. If CNN, NBC, and company had such a racist agenda, I would say the same thing about them.

Well, you are right, however those networks aren't propaganda machines to the extent that Fox is. The anchors for Fox would probably be ousted off of those other networks when they display their intolerance towards certain groups. Rupert Murdoch allows such one sided reporting to occur only when it supports the side he believes in. The lack of journalistic integrity at Fox News pollutes the airwaves and encourages such a horrible agenda. If CNN, NBC, and company had such a racist agenda, I would say the same thing about them.

Sure you would. As if you'd be lucid enough to recognize it without someone explaining it to you.


Now soldier on, oh really smart liberal. ;)


Who or what is 'Nas' and what qualifications does he/she/it have that would want me to give a rats' ass about his/her/its opinion on anything?


And that goes for liberals like Colbert who hide behind the "humor" shield as well.

And if the same stupid people watched CNN/NBC/etc they wouldn't also be fooled by their so called objective reporting? ;)

I don't watch much of any of those channels, but from what I've seen, the most comparable to Fox from teh other side would be MSNBC. Olberman is an idiot of the Bill O'Reilly caliber

Who or what is 'Nas' and what qualifications does he/she/it have that would want me to give a rats' ass about his/her/its opinion on anything?


And that goes for liberals like Colbert who hide behind the "humor" shield as well.


Who or what is 'KD in CT' and what qualifications does he/she/it have that would want me to give a rats' ass about his/her/its opinion on anything?

Sure you would. As if you'd be lucid enough to recognize it without someone explaining it to you.


Now soldier on, oh really smart liberal. ;)


Oh please, keep attacking me instead talking about the real issue <_< .

Oh please, keep attacking me instead talking about the real issue ;) .

What issue? The consistant need for Liberals to pretend that Foxnews is way different and therefore worse than the garbage they watch?


Like I said, soldier on and keep being part of the problem. Your masters are counting on you.

What issue? The consistant need for Liberals to pretend that Foxnews is way different and therefore worse than the garbage they watch?


Like I said, soldier on and keep being part of the problem. Your masters are counting on you.


Why does disagreeing with you automatically make someone a liberal?

What issue? The consistant need for Liberals to pretend that Foxnews is way different and therefore worse than the garbage they watch?

... when it promotes a racist agenda, yeah it is worse. Show me a clip, besides the Dan Rather slipup, where one of the "liberal media" promotes a racist agenda and i'll shut up.

... when it promotes a racist agenda, yeah it is worse. Show me a clip, besides the Dan Rather slipup, where one of the "liberal media" promotes a racist agenda and i'll shut up.

They do it every day. They simply do it in a much more subtle manner. It's been extremely effective for a very long time and is one of the main reasons the Liberals have been able to continually push their ridiculous agenda at the poor.


I'm sure you're looking for some kind of concrete example, besides what you lable as a "slipup" (labled as such because it fits your political bent). I don't have anything like that, though I'm sure I could search the internet and find a litany of examples that you'd just spin the way you did with Rather.


I know it's hard for you people to realize that your entire ideology is flawed and that you've been brainwashed your entire life but try and face reality. There's a reason that liberal news spends so much time going after Fox News and it's not the conclusions you're drawing.**



**I hate Fox News. And you for making me even waste a moment of time on this subject when it's so goddamn obvious what the deal is.


The thing about "rascism" to me is what power structure will actually act on it in an evil way. Granted, it shouldn't be tolerated under any circumstance... Some do come under the microscope more though.


Same thing with the N word and who can and can't say it.


Fox News engaging in these activities is far more dangerous...


It really is a one-way street in many ways, like it or not.


And some call me a dreamer.


Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.

Nas, petitioned a bunch of people who are sick of Fox News' racism and general propaganda against people in general.

General propaganda against people in general? <_< I had to read the rest of this thread just to see how in the hell that one was treated, and, to my astonishment, it got by? Who the F are general people and WTF is general propaganda? Hint: propaganda, in order to be effective must be targeted, right? :unsure:

There were some excellent points made by both Nas and Colbert's crew. I still don't see how people can watch such a biased hateful news network.

Well now, apparently you haven't been watching MSNBC lately. The funny part about them is that their perception of O'Reilly as = to Hannity is so far off, that they constantly set themselves up to made fools of by O'Reilly. The second thing is that they are so bad at trying to "nail" Fox guys that they are constantly playing a "Tommy Boy" to Fox's "Richard" = Fox: "Were you talking?" MSNBC/CNN/Air America: "Shut up, Richard", and fighting a losing battle they shouldn't be fighting in the first place.


I honestly tried to listen to Air America to balance out my radio listening. Al Franken was so bad, not funny, ill-informed and petty, I had to free myself from him permanently. He was bad because, instead of doing his own thing, all he was doing was constantly talking about O'Reilly. On balance, that boils down to openly admitting that O'Reilly is important, and therefore needs to be addressed. They should have been doing what O'Reilly does, nail down an issue that hardly anyone but the extreme left can argue with(or in their case on the extreme right), like Jessica's law, and crush any and all remaining opposition. That alone built O'Reilly's credibility beyond all question.


But, instead the far-left, and apparently you, can't stand it when the right, or the center, looks or is "smarter" than them. Instead of dealing with the issues that are important to you, you spend all the time I can spare for you trying to convince me that you're smarter?


Talk about insecurity. This is why I think many on the left are acting like phony jackasses right now, not being genuine regarding their stance on issues--> kinda like Obama having 3 different positions on the surge, and I tend to laugh at most of what they say.

No, I did not defend him on using the "n"-word. What I said about Nas is if you don't focus on the "n" word, you can see the painful truth about life on the streets. Personally, he is a hypocrite for saying the "N" word, but if you pay attention to the rest of his message, he makes some very good points.

Question: As a person from "the streets" most of my time growing up, often as the new kid, and mostly living in cities as an adult, I would like to know how you would know whether Nas is telling you the "painful truth" about life on "the streets." Second question: Are you in the habit of taking someone who stands to gain financially from dramatizing himself, his life and his "experience" as credible evidence regarding socio-economic/racial realities? Oh, I forgot, you think Al Gore = climatologist and surely he has no personal financial gains that result from his work, right? You must think the Great Gatsby represents what was happening on Long Island, to everyone, every day, all the time. Nah, Fitzgerald was simply a historian, right?

I'll actually answer yes to that question, because an educated person will be able to differentiate opinion from fact. But when you have such a bias like Fox does, your less intelligent viewers take the extreme opinions as fact. That in and ofitself is dangerous

No more dangerous that letting one's ideology serve as a filter that removes all contrary facts/data that disprove the ideology. IF you wan to be taken seriously, you have to acknowledge that Fox does do some good work. Not accepting that reality is denying reality. If they did no good work(or, for DC_TOM, did nothing interesting), then you wouldn't have to ask why people are watching them because nobody would be watching them.


The fact is that Fox does hold a significant ratings advantage over their cable competitors for a long time now, and that burns your ass doesn't it? How do you resolve that fact with your views? If you cop out and start calling all Fox viewers idiots, then all you do is expose your own political agenda-driven BS = you don't like it when people don't agree lock-step with you. Whaaaaaa! I don't get my way! ;) If this is all you have then all you are is a whiner. Try using your words to convince others of what you are saying, unless you want us to torment you for whining. Hey, some people are into that kinda stuff.

On Hardball Scott McClellan told us what we already knew about Fox News.


Hysterical. The Justice Friends hatch a daring plan: "Let's use a guy who is trying to make money over controversy, and a website who gets paid by George Soros to spread socialist propaganda to make our point, and then we'll really show those moderates or conservatives that our views should be taken seriously!" Later....back at the Hall of Justice...."Oh no, our plan didn't work and all those idiot American people didn't agree/vote for us again. It's all their fault for being stupid! Or else it's the Wonder Twins' or that damn monkey! Somebody, anybody else's fault but ours!"

Well, you are right, however those networks aren't propaganda machines to the extent that Fox is. The anchors for Fox would probably be ousted off of those other networks when they display their intolerance towards certain groups. Rupert Murdoch allows such one sided reporting to occur only when it supports the side he believes in. The lack of journalistic integrity at Fox News pollutes the airwaves and encourages such a horrible agenda. If CNN, NBC, and company had such a racist agenda, I would say the same thing about them.

BS. I have purposely been watching MSNBC and the level of BS on that network is astounding. I have not seen one positive story about the clear and obvious progress that has been made in Iraq. Not one. Instead, the "BIG STORY" is about what a few guys are doing in Afghanistan.


Another example: every time CNN talks about Global Warming, they run the "Day After Tomorrow" clips, or they show the aftermath of floods and the polar ice cap melting, over, and over, and over, and over.


But yeah, those networks don't have an "agenda". I ask you: FOX started out on the premise that the other news outlets were hopelessly biased. They then proceeded to say that they would put out a better product. Now with their success being what it is, how can you dispute those two claims? Apparently the many more millions that now watch FOX instead of CNN agree with them. Are you saying that all those millions of more viewers they have are racists?

Hysterical. The Justice Friends hatch a daring plan: "Let's use a guy who is trying to make money over controversy, and a website who gets paid by George Soros to spread socialist propaganda to make our point, and then we'll really show those moderates or conservatives that our views should be taken seriously!" Later....back at the Hall of Justice...."Oh no, our plan didn't work and all those idiot American people didn't agree/vote for us again. It's all their fault for being stupid! Or else it's the Wonder Twins' or that damn monkey! Somebody, anybody else's fault but ours!"


Looks like I stumped you!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'll save you some time and make your response for you - "far left liberal liberal far left socialist marxist far left left wing blah blah blah blah"

... when it promotes a racist agenda, yeah it is worse. Show me a clip, besides the Dan Rather slipup, where one of the "liberal media" promotes a racist agenda and i'll shut up.




It's always the liberals fault... didn't you know that? :lol:

I'm sure you're looking for some kind of concrete example, besides what you lable as a "slipup" (labled as such because it fits your political bent). I don't have anything like that, though I'm sure I could search the internet and find a litany of examples that you'd just spin the way you did with Rather.


What was the Rather slip-up?

I honestly tried to listen to Air America to balance out my radio listening. Al Franken was so bad, not funny, ill-informed and petty, I had to free myself from him permanently. He was bad because, instead of doing his own thing, all he was doing was constantly talking about O'Reilly. On balance, that boils down to openly admitting that O'Reilly is important, and therefore needs to be addressed. They should have been doing what O'Reilly does, nail down an issue that hardly anyone but the extreme left can argue with(or in their case on the extreme right), like Jessica's law, and crush any and all remaining opposition. That alone built O'Reilly's credibility beyond all question.



But yeah, those networks don't have an "agenda". I ask you: FOX started out on the premise that the other news outlets were hopelessly biased. They then proceeded to say that they would put out a better product. Now with their success being what it is, how can you dispute those two claims? Apparently the many more millions that now watch FOX instead of CNN agree with them. Are you saying that all those millions of more viewers they have are racists?

One: Let's stop calling CNN/NBC the "extreme-left" and Fox "extreme-right." They are center-left and center-right, respectively. Let's not act like there's really much difference in the BS they spew. Pepsi or Coke, that's all. The Cable TV News spectrum does not encompass the real far-left or far-right, so let's not pretend Olbermann is Marx and O'Reilly is Franco. Two: the disparity in viewership reflects the political stances of the nation- more people consider themselves Republican/right leaning that Democrat/left-leaning. It is more likely that a person would gather their news and opinion from like-minded sources, ergo, more people watch Fox.

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