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Housing Bill passes house

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This is terrible news. Why should I have to pay for a homeowner who can't pay for his house?


All this is going to do is create more economic "bubbles". The wonderful government is trying to help home owners, but they're also trying "protect the capital markets".


In other words, protect Wall Street. The government will always help Wall Street first.


I think we should let the market decide and let these people and banks twist in the wind. It only protects the next ponzi scheme because they'll just run to the government for help everytime.

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What? The govt is just enforcing the little-known Amendment 28 of the Constitution:


Section 1. The Congress, with the input of the Treasury, shall have the power to make sure banks and their stockholders never lose money in the conduct of their business, provided they are sufficiently large. Similarly, when large swaths of people lose money or property due to their own stupidity or forces majeures which regularly occur in a part of the Nation they chose to live in, members of the Congress and the Executive shall console and comfort, then break out the wheelbarrows of cash.*


Section 2. Transfer payments are sweet when it's someone else's money you're doling out! Try it sometime!


* Make sure to spread this concept around the world wherever we spread Freedom. Free money!!!




Glad to see our steadfast president has really stuck to his guns on this bill. :rolleyes:

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He got handcuffed with the Paulson add-on.

He also got caught laughing about it on open mic ... pissed off enough people on both sides of the aisle to where they'd probably override a veto anyway.

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That's like saying Jocelyn Elders forced Bill Clinton into masturbating a banana.


He actually got handcuffed by Pelosi. The administration always supported the main bill. The veto threat was over the $4 bn in add-ons.

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