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Favorite Word(s) or Phrase(s)

The Big Cat

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I'm a big fan of:









I just think they're fun to say. Didn't even give this topic much thought, just curious to see what responses come back:


From the world of culinary arts:



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Hit it right on the screws (golf term)

D-bag (I guess could be a golf term also)

Filthy (describing a pitcher with great movement on his pitches)

Fug, Fuggin, Fugger (picked it here and have since passed it on to my friends who use it to avoid the email-police at work all the time)

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Fug, Fuggin, Fugger (picked it here and have since passed it on to my friends who use it to avoid the email-police at work all the time)



Much like stevestojan of years past, that's a TBDism that's made it's way into my regular vocabulary.

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I like "polyp" because it's not a happy thing, despite the whimsical sound of it's name. It can also be combined with a relatively benign prefix that makes me smile and cringe at the same time..."lolipolyp."


I also like "pustule," because it's about what you'd expect. There's comfort in that.


"Tularemia" sounds like the name of a Holiday-on-Ice type extravaganza.



"Have you brought the kids to see this year's Tularemia at Rockefeller Center?"


"Not yet. Is it as good as last year's?"


"Even better. All the kids get lolipolyps."


"That does sound like fun!"

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