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John McCain

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Example: In 1986 the Tucson Citizen reported that McCain had told the following joke:


"Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, 'Where is that marvelous ape?' "


His spokeswoman said at the time he didn't recall telling the joke, something his current spokesman, Brian Rogers, reiterated to Politico.

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How many people reading this laughed? Sorry, but if you want to take McCain to task, then get on the case of everyone that laughed at the joke as well.


People like stupid humor nowadays.....Will Ferrell will be out of a job when that stops

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How many people reading this laughed? Sorry, but if you want to take McCain to task, then get on the case of everyone that laughed at the joke as well.


People like stupid humor nowadays.....Will Ferrell will be out of a job when that stops



A joke can't be offensive as long as it's funny, this joke just wasn't funny.

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A joke can't be offensive as long as it's funny, this joke just wasn't funny.


Even though the original joke sucked and was in poor taste, i'll quote the late George Carlin:

You can't joke about rape

Like hell I can't, picture porky pig raping elmer Fudd

Now, I what you are going say... Elmer was asking for it


However, this whole McCain joke may or may not have been told, and FWIW it was 20 years ago. Everyone has lapses in judgement, even the "infallible" McCain. I think we all have told a joke or two in bad taste over the years. So, give the guy a mulligan.


If you are going make an anti-McCain thread, make it on current events, such as his declining health, his policies, etc....

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Of course you can't make a joke about rape.

It's a serious issue.

I know, because I was raped.

After talking it over and explaining how I felt about it, my wife promised never to do that to me again.



Now, did you hear the one about Putney Swope, he was talking with some of his friends about working-class voters in old industrial towns decimated by job losses, and he said: "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." And the punch line is... "they live in flyover country."



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He can't. Obama's wife already did. They sit in a jar that she has hidden, and only let's him have them back when it benefits her.


I thought that was Bubba.

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How many people reading this laughed? Sorry, but if you want to take McCain to task, then get on the case of everyone that laughed at the joke as well.


Anyone who laughed should be shot. Not because the joke is offensive. But because it doesn't resemble humor.

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Hey elegant, do yourself a favor and watch some classic Woody Allen & Mel Brooks comedies from 30 yrs ago and report back to us.

That reminds me.

Woody Allen: "At age 19, Allen married 16-year-old Harlene Rosen. The marriage lasted five "nettling, unsettling years".

Rosen, whom Allen referred to in his standup act as "the Dread Mrs. Allen," later sued Allen for defamation due to comments at a TV appearance shortly after their divorce. Allen tells a different story on his mid-1960s standup album Standup Comic. In his act, Allen said that Rosen sued him because of a joke he made in an interview. Rosen had been sexually assaulted outside her apartment, and according to Allen, the newspapers reported that she "had been violated." In the interview, Allen said, "Knowing my ex-wife, it probably wasn't a moving violation." In a later interview on The Dick Cavett Show, Allen brought the incident up again where he repeated his comments and that the amount that he was being sued for was "$1 million".


The joke's on me. I always thought he was referring to Louise Lasser! :lol::D :D ;) ;) :wallbash::lol:

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