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Snakes in the washer

Just Jack

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If I would find a snake in the washer, I'd have to do another wash load

(after someone else extracted said snake)

because the tidey whities would be severely discolored.


Damn I hate snakes

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I was visiting my mother last year and went into her basement which has a sliding glass door. I saw a pile of laundry and a snake slithering underneath it. I caught it and released it. Good thing I found, and not my mother, she probably would of had a heart attack

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We've had two snake incidents at our neighborhood pool this summer...black snakes, relatively harmless, but still about six feet long and mean as all get out.


One was right outside the fence, later came in the kiddie pool area, then took a swim in the adult pool. He was quickly beheaded by a brave member.


A couple of weeks ago, a black snake coiled himself up in the pipe above the men's room shower. He was quickly shown the door and chopped up as well.

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