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Article From NADCA wbesite


NADCA stands for the North Americal Die Casting Assoc and they represent die casting manufactures all over the country. I guess you can say that they are the real heart of the manufacturing industry. True down and dirty manufacturing.


Every year they come out with a list of Senators and Representitives whose voting record does not support pro manufacturing issues. They refer to this list as the "Anti-Manufacturing Caucus"


Well surprise surprise, look what two senators round out the top three in this list. Our own kerry/edwards. Arn't these the same two who say that they "have a plan" about how to put Aerica back to work? Arn't these the same two guys who are running around Ohio and other industrial states saying how they will return the high paying manufacturing jobs to these very states?


Hmm, interesting that when they had thier chance to vote for and support pro manufacturing legislation they voted in favor of them less then 10% of the time. In fact kerry voted to support these manufacturers a whopping 'Zero" percent of the time. In other words...NOT AT ALL.



These guys have the balls to stand up in front of crowds of people and say that they will bring these manufacturing jobs back. Well maybe someone in the crowd shouls ask..........." Why didn't you just vote in the first place and maybe they would not have left"



As a side note, I have worked in this industry for 13 years. I have not seen the level of expansion in these companies since the mid 90's. I sell capital equipment to these companies and I sold more in the first 9 montsh of this year then in the previous 24 months combined. Trust me folks, the recovery is in full gear.These companies are in as good a shape as they have been in the past 10 years, and they ONLY spend money on capital equipment when they have to. They are the heart beat of America, and at this time the heart is pounding like a bass drum.


Like it or not, the economy is rolling, and dispite kerrys and edwards weak record on supporting manufacturing industry, it done very well.

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