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Did you check/replace the spark plug?


Check the spark plug. If it won't start after a spark plug replacement, your carburetor is probably flooded or clogged. Take it apart and try to clean it out.


I'll do that tomorrow evening. Picked up an extra spark plug just in case from Home Depot...spent the rest of the afternoon staining the deck...the joys of summer housework.


To mead, i had a teacher who lived in the neighborhood that loved to piss off the neighbors by mowing at 2:30 a.m. with a flashlight in hand. To be honest, I found it hilarious :devil: cuz his neighbor was the principal of the school ;)

In our old neighborhood, we had a rule that you could not fire up any equipment until you saw one other garage door open.




That's a good rule. To the original poster, if you truly want to be a good neighbor, go and ask your neighbors when it would be ok to fire up equipment.


I checked the Syracuse City webpage, apparently the noise ordinance is for 24 hours a day. Generally, I don't mow before 9am on weekends anyway.

Figured out why he was mowing so early. He was having a pool party this afternoon. So guess what I did about 30 minutes into it? Thats right, I fired up the mower, then the weed eater, edger, and ended with an extra long dose of the leaf blower right by the fence. :devil: I would even space out the different equipment just to rub it in. And my back yard didn't really need mowed.




I think in your case 11pm would be perfect. If you neighbor says anything ask him how he likes it?





Thats why motorcycle are nice to have... Theres nothing better than revving the engine to "warm it up" at the appropriate times. :ph34r:


Definetly 9am unless there are extenuating circumstances such as a vacation or early starting event at the house, in which case 8am is acceptable with gracious apologies to all enighbors in ear shot.


10am is too late, especially if you have a big yard and live in a warmer place than B-lo. If I started at 10 i wouldn't be done (mowing, weed whacking, edging, and blowing the clippings off the driveway and sidewalk) until almost noon, and by that time it can be hot as hell down here.


There is no excuse for 6:45 however and gross amounts of retaliation would be deserved. Good call in mowing during the party. I did that to a neighbor. His guests parked all over my grass and refused to move the cars so I mowed the lawn twice at two heights, very slowly, and weed whacked like I had OCD. Then I fired up my smoker and smoked some barbecue. The prevailing wind took the heavy cloud of hickory smoke right over his deck for like 3 hours.

Thats why motorcycle are nice to have... Theres nothing better than revving the engine to "warm it up" at the appropriate times. :lol:


Why do people start up a bike, then proceed to do that to a cold engine, washing down gas into the cold cylinders and washing oil out of the piston rings? :P

for my neighborhood, 9am on saturday is a good time. we live next to a church, so i don't mow on sunday mornings. 7am on weekdays. literally everyone in the neighborhood is out and about by 6:30am, so i'm not violating anyone's sleep time if i cut early.


What if you work shift work? Hey, I don't mind people mowing when I am sleeping during the day... Hope they don't mind me mowing when they are sleeping!


As for snow... Snowblowers are evil... Nothing does the driveway better than a shovel done right the first time!



my mower seems to be dead and it's a Guaranteed to Start Toro 22" Recycler...i just changed the oil and replaced the air filter. Everything seemed to be going great until I went slightly uphill and it just stopped. Now I can't get it started anymore...any ideas?


I did do one thing the manual said not to do; I tilted the lawnmower to pour out the old oil without emptying the gas tank...


I know this is an old thread... Did you get it corrected?


Check to see if the kill switch/metal tab to the spark plug isn't making contact inadvertantly... Usually on the new mowers, everything is hidden and it can't be seen.


just a thought!


Good luck!

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