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Question for former Clinton supporters -

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Not that there are many Clinton supporters here, but I'd be interested in your take on the following:


I am sick to death of the conventional spin given for why some Clinton voters are still supporting McCain instead of Obama, despite his recent tacking to the center. The media narrative goes

1. Half are mad at the perceived sexism in the campaign, and

2. the other half are poorly-educated racists.


I see instead the following:

Clinton is somebody who, to a fault, shows up with a 50-point plan for every issue.

Obama talks loftily and avoids concrete details.


If you like the first kind of candidate, as Clinton supporters presumably do, why *wouldn't* you hate the second kind? IMO, Obama reminds me of the kind of student who smiles and smoothly avoids the question of why he isn't prepared for class and doesn't have his homework ready, and when he does turn it in late it looks suspiciously like he cribbed off of everybody else.


So might it be more of a matter of style than the media suggests? Consider the much-discussed working class poor who never glombed on to Obama. Could it be that they are tired of politicians coming into distressed regions promising economic recovery and failing to deliver? It's been going on for 25 years now. It strikes me that they might be strongly receptive to politicians who offer very specific plans - good or bad - than ones who promise results but don't give a sense of having mapped everything out.



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