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Being a Bills fan in the epicenter of dolphins/Jags/Bucs country, I find it necessary to fly my BILLS gear at every opportunity. Being there is a diappropriate number of WNY snowbirds/retirees in the area I often get a "thumbs up" or a "how bout them Bills" or an occasional high five while walking through the local establishments from other ex WNYers.


The other day shopping at the local Wally-world a guy walks up to me and askes if I'm from Buffalo (the hat and T-shirt may have been a clue). I say yes. He then proceeds to tell me his cousin used to coach for the Bills ......... I say WOW cool, what is his name. His answer ...................... Mike Mularkey ........ and he beems this big old smile at me.


My jaw drops ...... I start to laugh ........ then I say ........ Ohhhhhhhhh I get it ...... you're a Bills fan too and are just pulling my leg.


His jaw drops ...... he starts to studder ....... ahhhhh ...... well .... no .... Mikes my cousin.


I go into my "that meatheaded SOB singlehandedly set my beloved Bills back five years, he couldn't coach a local pee wee team" rant ...... my voice goes up a few octives ....... "don't you know the Bills fans rode him out of town on a rail"?????


Both our wifes start shifting from foot to foot convinced at any moment the loud speaker is going to blare ........... RIOT ON ISLE 3......... DEPLOY THE WAL-MART SWAT TEAM


He looks at me sheepishly and mutters .......... Yeah I guess he did pretty much suck while he was up there, and starts to laugh

I reply ........ Why yes he did ...... but it's nice meeting you anyway .... and I start to laugh


We shake hands and go our seperate ways both laughing and shaking our heads.

i really don't understand this. marv wanted to keep mularkey. he quit. i didn't think he was that bad.


I blame him for ruining JP Losman's career.

I blame him for ruining JP Losman's career.

Can't disagree with that.


BTW, if (a big if) there is any truth at all to that rumor that he trotted JP Losman out there in his rookie year, just after he got his cast off, to "teach him a lesson" and because he knew JPL wasn't prepared then that is just plain a miserable excuse for coaching. What does that tell the other 52 guys on the team?


OTOH, I think that rumor is a total crock. But then, so was Mularkey.


Mularkey seemed like a straight shooter, a no BS guy, in his first season, IMO.


In his second season, that manner seemed to be completely changed, and he was more the norm of other NFL coaches, spouting the usual coach-speak BS.


I don't know what changed him (maybe it was just my perception of him), but I did not respect him that second season.

I found out a couple of months ago that my brother's :devil: on-again/off-again girlfriend (baby-momma-to-be, actually) is a cousin of Kelly Holcomb.




Your brother only throw short passes at his girlfiend, too?


I wasn't a fan of Mularkey. But I loved his D-Coordinator, Jerry Gray. He probably should of been given our head coaching job.


Also, while that one Steelers import was bad, how's about we import another. Bill Cowher anyone...?

Haha that is awesome i probably would have punched him in the face and said dude Mike Mularkey is the worst coach ever then walked away...but way to set his thinking straight.

He was a better coach than Gregg Williams. and Hank Bullough. And forget about the late 60s/early 70s coaches.


Jim Kelly's brother owned a bar here in Richmond, VA for a while. Kelly actually built a house in a subdivision called Chesdin Landing. It was a 2 or 3 million dollar home and he never even moved into it. He chose to stay up north. He was at the bar having a beer one night and asked him to get his autograph. He said, "Nah, but how about I buy you a beer." That was pretty cool.


Only Bill I met and spent any time talking to was Russell Copeland. He had some cool stories.


Sounds like you were sorta a jerk to the guy. Glad he at least had some common sense.

Eh, I don't find this story very encouraging. The guy was just trying to be cordial. It sounds like you were quite a dick. I personally don't even care about the Mularkey situation anymore.


Completely agreed, I did not laugh once when I read this post.


Congratulations on acting like a dick. It always amazes me when some "fan" doesn't realize that there are real people playing and coaching these games and they have relatives that actually care about them. I'm sure you're family is overflowing with people that can say they were NFL head coaches. If you want to act like an !@#$ please take off your Bills gear so you don't embarrass the rest of us.


The story would have been funnier if he beat the sh-- out of you with a toaster.


You need to exercise a little tact and keep in mind that what a guy does for a living bears no relation to what kind of person he is, especially to family.


I'll say this...I bet the coach's cousin will think twice before introducing himself to a Bills fan again. :devil:



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