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Travis Henry - Yet Again


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It's amazing how poorly he has managed his talent.



I still like what he did on the field as Bill, but his money woes have plauged him his whole career. Clearly a case of someone with talent, but not a lot of smarts. Too bad, I always liked Travis.

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Too bad. Maybe one of the toughest runners ever to play the game. You just know he will be broke in about 5 years.-Maybe even homeless.



Not to mention the nine baby mamas who won't be seeing anymore support checks.

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I mean - I think marijuana should be legalized, and I really don't see too much of a reason why the NFL needs to care on way or the other.


That said. God is he a dumbass. If I had a job that paid me millions of dollars every year, but I'd lose it by smoking weed, I'd never touch a joint. If they told me I'd lose the job if I ate a slice of pizza, I'd give it up. I don't care how arbitrary the rule is - you follow it because they make it worth your while out there.


Unless weed is actually worth $5M a year to him...that's even scarier.

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Man...I just feel bad when I saw this......


The guy who was all heart and "a bowling ball with spikes rolling downhill" was one of the BEST running backs in the NFL on the field......but for some reason just could not seem to manage himself off of it.


Isn't there somebody out there that can keep track of this guys (for a fee) and keep him out of trouble?


I would gladly apply for a job like that.

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This really is a sad situation. He's not the only one though. You have Chris Henry, "Pacman" Jones, Matt Jones, Ricky Williams, Cedric Benson, Koren Robinson, and countless other players in the NFL and college who end up in these same kind of spots. The pros are trying to live out a real life version of a rap video and the college kids think it's a given that one day they'll be living out the real life version of a rap video. Some of these people come around, some lose everything. I just hope that Travis Henry is one of those that finally comes to his senses and realizes that life can be alot more than what he's making of it right now.

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