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Of our 08' opponents

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shut down the Dallas O?!


yeah OK

If our offense could have put more than 3 points on the board vs. Dallas last year, we not only would have shut down their O, we would have beaten an undefeated team in front of millions of people in a game that would have been a bigger upset than when a piss-poor Fish team upset a cheating P*ts team in primetime a few years ago.


But make no mistake...this defense last year shut down the Dallas O. It was the offense that puked up a hairball.


Sorry to piss on your "woe is me, we'll always suck" moments, but for the love of God, dude, at last STFU about stuff you don't know anything about.


"It was embarrassing, embarrassing," Bills receiver Lee Evans, on the verge of tears, kept repeating in the somber locker room. "We had opportunities to put the game away, put some points on the board, give us a little more cushion. Couldn't do it. It's embarrassing."


This latest victory was one of the most implausible in the Cowboys' illustrious history. Buffalo made nearly all the key plays, including interceptions for TDs by George Wilson and Chris Kelsay and a 103-yard kickoff runback by Terrence McGee.


"We made too many big plays to lose that game," McGee said. "It just seemed we had it won. We were one play short."


In position to clinch it, Trent Edwards' pass from the Dallas 11 was tipped by DeMarcus Ware and returned 70 yards by Terence Newman. Romo looked for tight end Jason Witten, his favorite receiver. Instead, he found linebacker John DiGiorgio at the goal line and DiGiorgio returned his first career pickoff 38 yards.


It was the third time a pass intended for Witten was stolen by Buffalo.



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Our defense has a chance to be dominant for the first time in 7-8 years. With Miami and the Jets twice, Oakland, KC, SF, and SEA on the schedule big D days can be had.


Far and beyond the Cleveland game presents the toughest offensive opponent, aside from NE. I can see it now, bills 10-6, cleveland 10-6.. If Donte' Whitner wants to make his prediction a reality he must shut down Winslow.




But If I have to pick I'll choose these 3 in order


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Cleveland.............Man, I can't believe I just said that, but it's true. It doesn't matter if Anderson or Quinn is playing. If Anderson plays at the same level as last season, or even if he doesn't because Quinn is ready to be an NFL starter. They have Braylon Edwards, Jamaal Lewis, Donte Stallworth, a ticked off Kellen Winslow that wants more money, and one of the NFL's best offensive lines (I'd say top 5 easy). They seem to be the most stacked opponent.


With San Diego I have too many ?'s about Rivers, Gates, and LT's health. Yes I put LT in there also because he's been playing at such a high level for a while now. RB's always end up starting to fall apart, especially RB's who carry a team like he does.


Jacksonville? I'm only worried about Gerrard scrambling. I'm not worried about anything else about their offense. Porter is definitely overrated and Fred Taylor is old. They have Jones-Drew, but their OL is going through some changes also. That could spell problems.


I think the Jets offense will give us a tough task as well. Their QB spot is shaky but they have Thomas Jones, Coles, Cotchery, Baker (if he plays), and what looks to be an improved OL with Alan Faneca. They also have Leon Washington, who can break out with a big play from time to time.

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San Diego is going to bring it.


Running and passing, and I don't think there is an answer to Gates.



I don't think there's an answer on this team for Winslow either... so San Diego or Cleveland.
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my top 2 would be:


1 - san diego ... like said, they really started cliking at the end of last season and I dont see any reason why it wouldnt pick up at the same spot this season


2 - Cleveland ... this is only and only if Anderson isnt a one year wonder..if he faulters they will be looking at a QB circus and thus most likely ruining there season



Yah I give edge San Diego 'cause Cleveland is a home Monday nighter.

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