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This is nothing more than Mort trying to get some airtime in a slow offseason.


I dont doubt that there is a small part of Brett Favre's brain telling him to comeback, but I dont think its anything more than that.


Actaully, Adam Shepter (sp?) NFL Network confirmed it. Mort watches NFL Network too.

How did I miss this quote from Rogers last week?






This is the kind of thing you say to your buddies over a beer - not to the press before you've ever started a game. Unless Rogers lights it up quickly the fans are going to eat him alive.



Actually, it sounds like the kinds of things that Rob Johnson used to say, endearing himself to the fans.... :thumbsup:


What these guys say won't mean anything, if they produce...it sounds to me, like Rogers is feeling the strain of living in the little fish bowl that is Green Bay...part of the reasonl, too, I think Favre "retired".


I think he was sincere when he was talking about being burned out, and having nothing left to give. But, I think he was burned out on all the fanfare of being a living legend QB in Green Bay. Laugh at Favre all you want, but I think he was sincere. I also wouldn't be surprised, if, all along, he just wants to play somewhere else. The guy still has some game in him. It ain't the Bills he is fuggin with...I wouldn't mind see him "come back". He isn't nearly as miserable a QB as his detractors seem to harp on. Sure, he is an attention whore, but he would still be in the top tier of QB's in the NFL. There aren't enough of those guys around (good QB's) , I don't have any desire to see one hang it up, if he decides he doesn't want to. I wish he would handle it better, but I am still not going to begrudge him anything....I watch sports to see the best players, I want to be entertained. Favre has always filled that order, good or bad...

How did I miss this quote from Rogers last week?


This is the kind of thing you say to your buddies over a beer - not to the press before you've ever started a game. Unless Rogers lights it up quickly the fans are going to eat him alive.

I don't think he could of thought of a worse thing to say. He is either very frustrated or just plain simple.


Favre needs to give it a rest and so do the reporters that won't leave him alone. The more they bug him the worse the itch gets. Hell, I have had an itch to play all spring, but also know that I have too many concussions and one more is likely to cause serious trouble. Christ all you have to do is look at some of my posts and wonder if I've already had my "one too many". :thumbsup:


And, I would probably get beat a few times out there which would make me overdo it and hurt myself. He's gotta do what the rest of us have to and eventually come to terms with the fact that our bodies can't do the job anymore. I'm never gonna hang up my stick, but I have hung up my helmet.


GB should think...hmmmm....who gives us a better chance to win football games in 2008-09 season, Rodgers or Favre? Seems to me the decision is pretty easy...Favre!

GB should think...hmmmm....who gives us a better chance to win football games in 2008-09 season, Rodgers or Favre? Seems to me the decision is pretty easy...Favre!



All the criticism Favre is getting (and much of it is warrented), the Packers are nuts if they don't let him come back. If that happened, his fans would be happy, and everyone else would be rooting for him to fail miserably. What more could the NFL and the Packers ask for? Favre put himself in this position (although it sounds, from this article, he was pressured into making the decision), but the Packers deserve a ton of criticism, IMO, if Favre ends up in another uniform this coming season.

Tampa Bay would be a perfect fit. San Fransisco would be another nice home.



I think the Panthers or Jets would be a very good fit for Favre, but I still think he winds up in Green Bay, despite all the whining by radio talk show hosts, and writers.

It's Mort, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's all there is to it.


It's more than Mort, and I'd be surprised.


Anyway, I don't really get the disgust with this storyline. I mean I guess it's tiring, but if you watch as much NFL Network as me you know that the alternative is hearing about TO's butt wiping technique, etc.


Favre used to be one of my all time favorite players


But if this keeps up and he is re-instated and does demand a trade/release he'll quickly move down into the ranks of whiney "me-first" b*tches. He'll end up somewhere below JP "30 starts isn't enough to judge me" Losman but above Willis "Best RB in the NFL" McGhaee

The Bills were just mentioned on ESPN as a likely place for Favre to end up if he doesn't get he release (which he won't).




What's wrong dude? If the ESPN talking heads said it's possible then you know it won't really happen

I really wish he would stay retired or just go away. This soap opera is irritating and more so because I am sure this story isn't over yet. :blink:


Thank you.


I'm sure Brett is a nice guy. I'm sure he's got a nice family. It's not him that is aggravating so much, but the obsessive, relentless coverage. Sports radio, TV, print and internet is now going to be saturated by hours of mind numbing speculation. Brett seems like someone who really loves what he does for a living, but I'm beyond sick of hearing about it.


Just imagine what's going to happen as soon as Madden gets behind a mic. Hours and hours of mindless Brett Favre talk......I think I'll pass.

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