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Obama is making a big mistake if he allows his surrogates

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I don't think attacking McCain's service is going to win them any points with the general public and if they continue down this road it will backfire on them. If Obama is smart, he will promptly silence those in his camp who are making these ridiculous accusations.



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I saw Wesley Clark on Face the Nation. Bob Schaffer begged the question (paraphrase) doesn't being a pilot and being shot down qualify McCain to be president? Clark answered no that doesn't qualify a person to be president, which is a true statement. Clark also said he respected and admired McCain's service. It was expected that McCain supporters would take it out of context.


In the same show, Joe Libermann said that he thinks it's likely that the U.S. will face another terrorist attack in 2009, so that's a reason to elect McCain. So we should elect someone who will continue the same policies as Bush even though it won't make a difference because we're likely to be attacked anyways? :)

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I don't think that getting shot down in and of itself qualifies anyone to be the President. I do think that McCain's actions while in captivity demonstrated his true character in a time of extreme stress.


As far as Wesley Clark is concerned, I have no respect for him. He is a media whore who never met a camera he didn't want to make love to. He's developed into a pure politician and will sidle up to anyone he thinks will give him a political appointment.


In the final analysis though, if Obama is truly the 'change agent' his adoring masses believe him to be, he should do the right thing and silence those in his camp who are attacking JM's service. As I mentioned in another thread, I think The Messiah is running a very effective campaign. But, I think this approach is a loser for him and from a tactical standpoint, if he allows this to continue it will backfire on him. Just my $.02.

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I'm not aware of anyone who's part of Obama's campaign attacking McCain's service. Just as there's people who favor McCain but are not part of his campaign who say controversial things, so too are there Obama supporters. The most either can do is disavow statements and reiterate their own views. In the end it's what they say and do that counts.

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That's my point. If the Messiah is smart, he should come out and publicly disavow those types of smears. I personally don't care if he does or not. In fact, as I mentioned, I do not think this is a winner for him. I think that McCain's record is well established enough that questioning it will only have a negative effect on The Messiah's campaign.


But maybe I'm wrong. I've been wrong before- once. :)

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Update- He recently did the right (and smart) thing by disavowing Gen. Clark's comments. Good for him! Seriously. While I don't like his ideas, he is running a very smart campaign.


The best thing he can do is steer clear of Clark.

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Update- He recently did the right (and smart) thing by disavowing Gen. Clarks comments. Good for him! Seriously. While I don't like his ideas, he is running a very smart campaign.

Those muslim terrorists tend to be fairly smart. :)

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As far as Wesley Clark is concerned, I have no respect for him. He is a media whore who never met a camera he didn't want to make love to. He's developed into a pure politician and will sidle up to anyone he thinks will give him a political appointment.

The ironic part is that if Wesley Clark's intention was to point out that having military experience does not necessarily make you fit to be a leader, he succeeded.


Exhibit A: Wesley Clark.

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Actually, I don't think Obama is a muslim.


But my dad just forwarded me an email that says his wife secretly is.

I thought he was dual religion when he was younger. Check snopes, even they agree he was attended both muslim and Catholic schools in indonesia, and his Dad and step dad were both muslims.


But see he's a smart one, and so is his wife.

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I don't think that getting shot down in and of itself qualifies anyone to be the President. I do think that McCain's actions while in captivity demonstrated his true character in a time of extreme stress.


I am not sure if I am wrong or not, but by McCain's own admmision, he was "broken" in prison camp.


I am not questioning his service... McCain is a very honorable man... I am also not saying that many other people would have faired better in the situation McCain was put in... Heck, most would have never endured.


As much as anyone of us will never know what it was like to have to endure such hardship... The fact of the matter remains that he was in a prisoner of war camp for what? 5 years while the Vietnam War was going on.


What I am saying is he doesn't know what was taking place in our country, just as people will never know what he had to endure.


Isn't it a "wash"... ?? Do you want a president that "missed out" on what took place back home and the turmoil that existed. Won't he be doomed to make the same mistakes again having not fully understood what was taking place in the country?


I understand the "character" thing and how serving his country along with being a prisoner of war prepared him in a few ways to be president... But, the fact of the matter of him being "broken" by the enemy and "missing" out many years on what was actually happening in this country (also while being fed enemy propganda) really makes him ill prepared to handle the current situation we are in.


Just my $.02 cents. We don't need any more Pactriotically Correct idealism when dealing with the task we as a nation face with regards to our wars.


I just don't see how being a long serving POW does him any PRAGMATIC service as president.


Again... In Patriotically Correct fashion, don't shoot the messanger (me)... I know this opinion won't go over well in a time when patriotic emotion consumes many. I just think it is wash, that being his service AND SUBSEQUENT DETAINMENT AS A POW. We do need a CIC that is filled with honor, but that isn't IMO the most important requirement.

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From what I am understanding (not Wes Clark's take) is that we should just blindly follow military leadership no matter what. That having military service in one's resume is the best thing possible when choosing a leader.


Why can't we as a nation separate emotion from logical thinking? Most normal people are not questioning anyone's service to our nation or the hardship people had to endure for the honor of their country.


I for one am just questioning the thinking that military service makes you better qualified than others without military service to lead. We all know that just isn't true. Some of our worst presidents in history were from the military establishment (US Grant comes to mind).


Quite a receipe for disaster has been set up with the thinking that the military is "untouchable" when deeming what makes a good leader.

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I for one am just questioning the thinking that military service makes you better qualified than others without military service to lead. We all know that just isn't true.
I'll agree with that to a point. One thing the military does teach is that nothing is impossible. That you can do anything. It's a mindset to get things done. It also instills in you (in my case) honor and integrity. Now that's "my" problem with Obama...He seems to lack integrity to me. He never gives a clear answer to any tough question. That bothers me.


Now that being said I've met officers who couldn't tie their own shoes. Military service shouldn't be a be all, end all qualification, but it should count. Especially if it was as distinguished as McCain's.

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I understand the "character" thing and how serving his country along with being a prisoner of war prepared him in a few ways to be president... But, the fact of the matter of him being "broken" by the enemy and "missing" out many years on what was actually happening in this country (also while being fed enemy propganda) really makes him ill prepared to handle the current situation we are in.


I totally disagree....Having been in such a hellish situation...Wouldn't he think twice before so readily commiting the US to war? No one can better understand than him the costs. Alot of people may not realize his own son served in Iraq. I didn't find this out until recently. He didn't want people to know. He didn't want to politicize it and also to reduce the chance of his son being a target like Prince Harry.

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I totally disagree....Having been in such a hellish situation...Wouldn't he think twice before so readily commiting the US to war? No one can better understand than him the costs. Alot of people may not realize his own son served in Iraq. I didn't find this out until recently. He didn't want people to know. He didn't want to politicize it and also to reduce the chance of his son being a target like Prince Harry.


He could also be of the mindset that he has more faith in military action than diplomacy, and be quicker to jump to the last option before exhausting all others. Conservative George Will said a couple weeks ago that a vote for McCain is a vote for war with Iran. He's already made up his mind that it requires a military solution in the short-term, regardless of the long-term implications.

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I understand the "character" thing and how serving his country along with being a prisoner of war prepared him in a few ways to be president... But, the fact of the matter of him being "broken" by the enemy and "missing" out many years on what was actually happening in this country (also while being fed enemy propganda) really makes him ill prepared to handle the current situation we are in.


It's better than Obama who is both too young and didn't even live here during those years?

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