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(OT) Movie question...

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Is it worth buying? I love vampire movies ( a huge fan of the Blade series) but was deployed when this movie was in theatres. Will it be worth the 20 bucks in anyones opinion. I think Kate Beckensale may be worth that alone!  :w00t:


I saw the movie and enjoyed it. I intend to buy it - always lots of extra stuff to make it even more worthwhile buying it.

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I saw in the theaters.


Great special effects.....but, the plot stunk. I still don't know what it was about.


It's no Lost Boys or Interview with a Vampire.



Lost boys was awesome. One of the best vampire movies made in my opinion. Blade 3 should be out soon. I'm looking forward to that one.

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Lost boys was awesome. One of the best vampire movies made in my opinion. Blade 3 should be out soon. I'm looking forward to that one.



i like vampire movies too, but i wouldn't bother buying it on dvd. i thought it sucked and the plot was way to over the top for me. i'd rent it first if you didn't see it in the theaters before you buy it.

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What about "The Next Day After"?  I never even heard of this movie before this week and everyone is hyping it.  Was it even in the theaters?



The Day After Tomorrow? it was a load of garbage...not only was there no plot, the special effects were kind of poor and the science didn't make sense

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What about "The Next Day After"?  I never even heard of this movie before this week and everyone is hyping it.  Was it even in the theaters?



Did you mean The Day After Tomorrow? Reviews say great effects, horrible science. I will rent it.

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Van Helsing was gorgeous to look at; if you have a nice TV/proejctor, it'll look great. That said, as others have pointed out, the plot sucked. Basically it was action/effects, a few lines of innane dialog, more action/effects, more lame dialog, more action. The dialog is just there to get you from action scene A to action scene B.


Overall, I was disappointed. :w00t:



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Van Helsing was gorgeous to look at; if you have a nice TV/proejctor, it'll look great.  That said, as others have pointed out, the plot sucked.  Basically it was action/effects, a few lines of innane dialog, more action/effects, more lame dialog, more action.  The dialog is just there to get you from action scene A to action scene B.


Overall, I was disappointed. :w00t:






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The Day After Tomorrow? it was a load of garbage...not only was there no plot, the special effects were kind of poor and the science didn't make sense



Yeah, that's it. I almost bought it at Wally World. Speaking of DVD's, the first Fraggle Rock DVD is out.

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I loved Van Helsing. Mostly because it was a mindless, fun, rollercoaster ride. It was Universal getting back to their horror roots, in having Dracula, The Wolf Man, & Frankenstein's Monster all in one monster-mash. For me it was like watching the old thrillers on Saturday afternoon. I agree that this movie is not for the Anne Rice crowd. I'll be buying it myself, because I thought it was a fun movie.

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Guest Lothar - guest

In my opinion, Van Helsing ranks among the worst movies ever. Even seeing it on the big screen, with the cool special effects, all I could keep thinking was - what a waste of a good idea and decent actors. believe me, this movie - despite all the hype - bombed for a reason.

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What about "The Next Day After"?  I never even heard of this movie before this week and everyone is hyping it.  Was it even in the theaters?



The day after tomorrow?


Great effects, but the movie ended and I didnt realize it. A real yawner as a plot.

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