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Bill Clinton: Mr Obama can kiss my ass

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What an asshat. Good thing he's already the least respected President in history....he doesn't have any further to fall.


3 Arkansas State Troopers, Vince Foster, Ron Brown (the funeral laughter that turned into instant tears when the camera was detected was classic Bill), the 5 lb. Bible, Monica, Enron, Global Crossing, Tyco, the pardons, James McDougal, that poor soul that bought a car with Rose Law firm documents in the trunk, the veiled threats to Kathleen Willey, Junatia Broderick,and so on. Asshat with fangs, I'd say...

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If it's true and not just another unsubstantiated rumor, given that he's the best president we had in the past 40 years, and most Americans look back fondly on the peace and prosperity during his administration compared to what we have now, I'm sure Obama will give him the proper accolades and Bill will come around. They just finished a tough campaign where Bill was falsely accused by Obama supporters of being a racist, and that probably hurt for someone who has a history of being a friend to the African American community.

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given that he's the best president we had in the past 40 years, and most Americans look back foundly on the peace and prosperity during his administration compared to what we have now,
:):cry::w00t: Man you are funny!


How do I look back foundly? :cry:

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i think he meant fondling :)


Sigh. Those were the days.


Now this Obama fool is getting in the way of "White House Poon 2." I did my best to make sure Kerry lost so Hill could have the nomination this year. Bet your ass I'm pissed. Now, we'll have to work out a deal to get Hill in as the VP and then do a Vince Foster / Ron Brown. Gonna be harder now, but hey, LBJ did it, why not us?

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given that he's the best Democrat president we had in the past 40 years

It's not saying much, but I suppose you're right. At least he didn't permanently damage the country like LBJ.


most Americans look back fondly on the peace and prosperity during his administration

Yup, if "most" = "ones too dumb to realize the 'peace' was rotting beneath our feet and the 'prosperity' was nothing but dotcom smoke and mirrors."

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It's not saying much, but I suppose you're right. At least he didn't permanently damage the country like LBJ.



Yup, if "most" = "ones too dumb to realize the 'peace' was rotting beneath our feet and the 'prosperity' was nothing but dotcom smoke and mirrors."


Let see, I bought a condo in 1991. In 1997 it was worth $60k and I was out of work. I foreclosed. Now I own a home with $200k in equity a great job and more money in my savings account now than my retirement accounts then. Oh yeah, those were sure prosperous times. :)

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