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ESPN "What we learned from minicamp" Article


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The problem they'll have this year is that they are still in the same division as the Colts, Titans, and Jaguars and we still play in the same division as the Dolphins and the Jets. That helps us immensely. Also considering the fact that we have a good shot at beating the Pats next year in Week 17 unless they are once again 15-1 because in all likelihood they will have everything wrapped up by then and we will hopefully be playing for something.



Yah just like we has a shot at beating the Steelers a few years back.... :rolleyes:

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Those true colors are really bad! :rolleyes:


5 game winning drives.

1 Pro Bowl appearance

Rookie of the Year

1 Playoff Appearance

18-11 record as a starter.


... all despite having less than stellar receiving targets.

If anything, Vince Young finally proven the true value of a Pro Bowl appearance, and the value is zero. The minute "VY" was announced to the Pro Bowl, I'm sure everyone at ESPN was high-fiving each other over their marketing accomplishment.


As long as players like "VY" get hyped into the Pro Bowl, the value of being a Pro Bowler has gone to hell.


And if you watched him play last year, then you wouldn't just blow out a bunch of one-hit wonder stats like he's some almighty quarterback. He's not. He's Michael Vick with meat on his bones. He's strong. Very strong. But in my opinion, decent teams have figured out, as they did with Vick, he has a very hard time beating you if he has to rely on his arm alone. He did not have a good year last year.


Last year your "ROTY" played 15 games, threw only NINE TDs, had SEVENTEEN picks, and TEN FUMBLES. AND his rushing average dropped to 4.2/YPC versus the previous year when he had an average approaching 7/YPC.


Make him throw, he sucks ass. Yes, he will improve and yes, he'll probably hit some playoff games, but our entire suckass 30th ranked offense put up more yards in the air last year, more touchdowns in the air and less interceptions with a higher passer rating, and that came from a rookie and a 19-year veteran in Losman who play for a team who you are convinced sucks the big mogambo.


I gotta tell ya, Dawg. When a chump like me is cleaning your clock with basic stats, you're best off just keeping your misery to yourself because we can't help it if you just RELY on misery to get you by. You hate the team you're supposed to love, and you elevate a suckass player and his truly worthless stats because ESPN tells you to.



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If anything, Vince Young finally proven the true value of a Pro Bowl appearance, and the value is zero. The minute "VY" was announced to the Pro Bowl, I'm sure everyone at ESPN was high-fiving each other over their marketing accomplishment.


As long as players like "VY" get hyped into the Pro Bowl, the value of being a Pro Bowler has gone to hell.


And if you watched him play last year, then you wouldn't just blow out a bunch of one-hit wonder stats like he's some almighty quarterback. He's not. He's Michael Vick with meat on his bones. He's strong. Very strong. But in my opinion, decent teams have figured out, as they did with Vick, he has a very hard time beating you if he has to rely on his arm alone. He did not have a good year last year.


Last year your "ROTY" played 15 games, threw only NINE TDs, had SEVENTEEN picks, and TEN FUMBLES. AND his rushing average dropped to 4.2/YPC versus the previous year when he had an average approaching 7/YPC.


Make him throw, he sucks ass. Yes, he will improve and yes, he'll probably hit some playoff games, but our entire suckass 30th ranked offense put up more yards in the air last year, more touchdowns in the air and less interceptions with a higher passer rating, and that came from a rookie and a 19-year veteran in Losman who play for a team who you are convinced sucks the big mogambo.


I gotta tell ya, Dawg. When a chump like me is cleaning your clock with basic stats, you're best off just keeping your misery to yourself because we can't help it if you just RELY on misery to get you by. You hate the team you're supposed to love, and you elevate a suckass player and his truly worthless stats because ESPN tells you to.




Wow. Talk about "clone on clone crime".


You win Beat-Down Of The Week.

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Make him throw, he sucks ass. Yes, he will improve and yes, he'll probably hit some playoff games, but our entire suckass 30th ranked offense put up more yards in the air last year, more touchdowns in the air and less interceptions with a higher passer rating, and that came from a rookie and a 19-year veteran in Losman who play for a team who you are convinced sucks the big mogambo.


I gotta tell ya, Dawg. When a chump like me is cleaning your clock with basic stats, you're best off just keeping your misery to yourself because we can't help it if you just RELY on misery to get you by. You hate the team you're supposed to love, and you elevate a suckass player and his truly worthless stats because ESPN tells you to.


Young also had 62 less passing attempts than our two-headed QB monster.

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If anything, Vince Young finally proven the true value of a Pro Bowl appearance, and the value is zero. The minute "VY" was announced to the Pro Bowl, I'm sure everyone at ESPN was high-fiving each other over their marketing accomplishment.


As long as players like "VY" get hyped into the Pro Bowl, the value of being a Pro Bowler has gone to hell.


And if you watched him play last year, then you wouldn't just blow out a bunch of one-hit wonder stats like he's some almighty quarterback. He's not. He's Michael Vick with meat on his bones. He's strong. Very strong. But in my opinion, decent teams have figured out, as they did with Vick, he has a very hard time beating you if he has to rely on his arm alone. He did not have a good year last year.


Last year your "ROTY" played 15 games, threw only NINE TDs, had SEVENTEEN picks, and TEN FUMBLES. AND his rushing average dropped to 4.2/YPC versus the previous year when he had an average approaching 7/YPC.


So you know how to read a stat sheet. Congratulations... well, except that you conveniently left out the fact that he scored 7 touch downs on the ground. I don't care how a QB scores a TD -- whether he rushes for a touch down or passes for one, 6 points is 6 points. But of course, that stat won't fit into your boneheaded argument, so carry on with your drivel. I suppose Vince Young led his team to the playoffs because of the Pats* cheating scandal?


our entire suckass 30th ranked offense put up more yards in the air last year, more touchdowns in the air and less interceptions with a higher passer rating


Yeah it's a good thing the Bills offense had a QB rating that was a WHOLE 1.2 more than Vince Young. That did a whole lot to the team's won-loss record! :bag:


Do you know the type of offense the Titans ran last season? They led the AFC in rushing attempts by a long shot -- so that should tell you where their emphasis lies. Do you really think VY had reliable receivers to throw to? If you do, you're even dumber than I thought. While the Bills had a first rounder and 3 second rounders in their receiving corps, the Titans relied on an aging Eric Moulds and a bunch of scrubs.


Add to that the fact that he completed a higher percentage of passes than the Bills' QB duo and the fact that he threw for more first downs, which means he kept drives alive and moved the ball -- you have to be an absolute idiot to classify Vince Young as a "suckass player." Nevertheless, it's par for the course coming from you :censored:


Oh, and by the way, you know who led the league in interceptions? Super Bowl MVP Eli Manning -- guess he sucks too!!!


I gotta tell ya, Dawg. When a chump like me is cleaning your clock with basic stats



Yeah ya really got me there... what a beat down... you're right JP Losman is better than Vince Young. :rolleyes:

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Young also had 62 less passing attempts than our two-headed QB monster.


Vince Young is a "suckass" player. Don't make excuses for him.


He led his team to the playoffs because he won a popularity contest.

5 game-winning drives in 1.5 seasons means nothing.

And, best of all, the Bills' QBs had a better passer rating by a whole 1.2 points... therefore, their QBs are better than Vince Young.



Entertainment at it's best! :rolleyes:

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So you know how to read a stat sheet. Congratulations... well, except that you conveniently left out the fact that he scored 7 touch downs on the ground. I don't care how a QB scores a TD -- whether he rushes for a touch down or passes for one, 6 points is 6 points. But of course, that stat won't fit into your boneheaded argument, so carry on with your drivel. I suppose Vince Young led his team to the playoffs because of the Pats* cheating scandal?


Yeah it's a good thing the Bills offense had a QB rating that was a WHOLE 1.2 more than Vince Young. That did a whole lot to the team's won-loss record! :lol:


Do you know the type of offense the Titans ran last season? They led the AFC in rushing attempts by a long shot -- so that should tell you where their emphasis lies. Do you really think VY had reliable receivers to throw to? If you do, you're even dumber than I thought. While the Bills had a first rounder and 3 second rounders in their receiving corps, the Titans relied on an aging Eric Moulds and a bunch of scrubs.


Add to that the fact that he completed a higher percentage of passes than the Bills' QB duo and the fact that he threw for more first downs, which means he kept drives alive and moved the ball -- you have to be an absolute idiot to classify Vince Young as a "suckass player." Nevertheless, it's par for the course coming from you :)


Oh, and by the way, you know who led the league in interceptions? Super Bowl MVP Eli Manning -- guess he sucks too!!!


Yeah ya really got me there... what a beat down... you're right JP Losman is better than Vince Young. :rolleyes:


Excuse me, but when you run around with your ESPN-approved VY hat and jersey while waiving his cherry-picked Superman stats, you simultaneously and kindly provide him excuses, too? So let's be clear: where you pick a player in the draft determines the kind of players you actually have on your team? Ooooookay, Sparky. But hey, the Titans were obviously playing with scrubs at the WR position because you have to believe that any team which can rank FIFTH in rushing yards with over 131/yards per game would have a halfway decent passing game, no? I mean, talk about setting up play action! But no...it didn't turn out that way for Wonderboy. Instead, he turned the ball over time and time again. But that wasn't Young. It was his scrub receivers. :bag:


Now add to that mix the number FIVE defense in the league, buoyed by -- get this -- the number one defense against the run, holding teams to 63 yards on the ground.


Could you imagine how good our entire team would have been last year with what you believe are an idiot and a rookie under center if we were #1 in stopping the run???? You probably can't because we all know when it comes to this game in your eyes, it's the quarterback that can make or break it because obviously, as you stated, Vince Young "carried" his team to the playoffs. :bag::censored:


Incidentally, since you were crazy enough to compare his stats to Manning, do you know the difference between Young and Manning? Not only did Manning take advantage of his team's NINTH ranked defense, he put up TWENTY THREE TDS in the air versus Young's SEVEN. Yes, Young ran for six. A lot of help that did. Again, you can cherry pick the titles and stats either way you want, but everything you think makes VY special actually shows his deficiencies as a quarterback. I mean, fifth ranked rushing in the league -- FIFTH -- and he throws 7 TDs???? Yeah, okay, it's his receiving group. Got it. Cuz he's Pro Bowler Vince Young and he "led" his team to a playoff game, or at least was under center when they played one.


But hey, I'm glad you've nailed down the position of authority on great players. The only thing that will prove either of us correct is time. I think he's hype. You think he's Superman. It'll probably fall somewhere in the middle, but rest assured, he's not an island and no more "led" his team to the playoffs than Losman and Edwards were the sole reasons we never made it in.

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So let's be clear: where you pick a player in the draft determines the kind of players you actually have on your team?


Not necessarily, but it speaks to where the organization's commitment lies. And clearly, they were not committed to developing their passing game. The fact that they chose yet another running back in the first round this year is indicative of that.


But hey, the Titans were obviously playing with scrubs at the WR position because you have to believe that any team which can rank FIFTH in rushing yards with over 131/yards per game would have a halfway decent passing game, no? I mean, talk about setting up play action! But no...it didn't turn out that way for Wonderboy. Instead, he turned the ball over time and time again. But that wasn't Young. It was his scrub receivers. :censored:


The top 4 rushing teams in the NFL ahead of the Titans: Minnesota, Jacksonville, Pittsburgh, and the Giants. Their respective rankings in passing yards: 28, 17, 22, 21 -- hardly taking the league by storm. And if you really think they had a juggernaut rushing offense, you're mistaken. They averaged a whopping 3.9 yards per attempt, which ranks in the bottom third of the entire league. The Titans just happen to rush more often than anyone -- no wonder their passing stats are so poor in comparison, their offense is heavily skewed towards the rush.


Now add to that mix the number FIVE defense in the league, buoyed by -- get this -- the number one defense against the run, holding teams to 63 yards on the ground.


Absolutely, he has the benefit of a good defense -- but you have to ask yourself: did he make plays to win games? Absolutely. He led a number of come-from-behind wins and last minute drives that required the QB to make plays. So we're not exactly talking about Trent Dilfer here, whose team won despite him and not because of him.


Could you imagine how good our entire team would have been last year with what you believe are an idiot and a rookie under center if we were #1 in stopping the run???? You probably can't because we all know when it comes to this game in your eyes, it's the quarterback that can make or break it because obviously, as you stated, Vince Young "carried" his team to the playoffs. :rolleyes::bag:


The Bills' defense was nowhere close to the Titans -- but I will say this. If the Bills' offense was efficient and was able to sustain drives, the defense would have been much better. To me, the telling stat is this: The Titans were #4 overall in Time of Possession per game, holding onto the ball for a whopping 32 minutes. The Bills, ranked near the bottom in that area, put a lot of undue stress on the defense.


In any case, I never said he's great. I just find it ironic that the same folks who preach patience when evaluating either of the Bills' QBs are so quick to dismiss guys like Young and Vick who have actually won games in this league.

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Excuse me, but when you run around with your ESPN-approved VY hat and jersey while waiving his cherry-picked Superman stats, you simultaneously and kindly provide him excuses, too? So let's be clear: where you pick a player in the draft determines the kind of players you actually have on your team? Ooooookay, Sparky. But hey, the Titans were obviously playing with scrubs at the WR position because you have to believe that any team which can rank FIFTH in rushing yards with over 131/yards per game would have a halfway decent passing game, no? I mean, talk about setting up play action! But no...it didn't turn out that way for Wonderboy. Instead, he turned the ball over time and time again. But that wasn't Young. It was his scrub receivers. :cry:


Now add to that mix the number FIVE defense in the league, buoyed by -- get this -- the number one defense against the run, holding teams to 63 yards on the ground.


Could you imagine how good our entire team would have been last year with what you believe are an idiot and a rookie under center if we were #1 in stopping the run???? You probably can't because we all know when it comes to this game in your eyes, it's the quarterback that can make or break it because obviously, as you stated, Vince Young "carried" his team to the playoffs. :):cry:


Incidentally, since you were crazy enough to compare his stats to Manning, do you know the difference between Young and Manning? Not only did Manning take advantage of his team's NINTH ranked defense, he put up TWENTY THREE TDS in the air versus Young's SEVEN. Yes, Young ran for six. A lot of help that did. Again, you can cherry pick the titles and stats either way you want, but everything you think makes VY special actually shows his deficiencies as a quarterback. I mean, fifth ranked rushing in the league -- FIFTH -- and he throws 7 TDs???? Yeah, okay, it's his receiving group. Got it. Cuz he's Pro Bowler Vince Young and he "led" his team to a playoff game, or at least was under center when they played one.


But hey, I'm glad you've nailed down the position of authority on great players. The only thing that will prove either of us correct is time. I think he's hype. You think he's Superman. It'll probably fall somewhere in the middle, but rest assured, he's not an island and no more "led" his team to the playoffs than Losman and Edwards were the sole reasons we never made it in.


Ah, LA, you slay me. Even if you didn't have those bodacious ta-tas for avatars. You're right on the money man, so much! :w00t: BTW - thanks for those bodacious ta-tas for avatars!

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