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yes mine was kiss alive I.

That was mine, as well. It had those crazy letters from the band members when you opened it up.


Interestingly, I also used that album cover the first time I ever did coke.


When I was a kid I got an album of the story of The Invisible Man. It filled both sides of the album. I used to scare myself playing it. Also had one with stories like The Tell Tale Heart. Then I got the 45 of the 70's Sabres song, "We're gonna win that Cup...me and the Buffalo Sa-a-bres, oh yeah!" (still have it). First musical recording I got was a cassette of Elvis Aloha from Hawaii.

"Meet the Beatles".....It was monophonic too.


Me too although it is probably more correct to say that my parents got it for me because I was just a little guy.


Oh come on, Better than Carly Simon's "No Secrets", as a young lad back in '72(9 years old), there was nothing better than this LP cover...still not much beats it


When I was a teenager the best album covers were Roxy Music.
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