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Uh oh, so if the NFL is looking into ....

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Then what is this going to mean for Marshawn?


This Marshall case may be a good barometer for how they handle Marshawn. It's about along the same lines with both penalties being misdemeanors is it not?


Marshall is now claiming he didn't know he hit her. Combination of night-terrors/sleepwalking and nerve damage from putting the offending arm thru a TV a few months ago. I believe him.

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Then what is this going to mean for Marshawn?


This Marshall case may be a good barometer for how they handle Marshawn. It's about along the same lines with both penalties being misdemeanors is it not?


On ESPN it said something about him being suspended because this is his third arrest within one year. That makes this case a little different than Marshawn's...

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I doubt there would even be a meeting between Goodell and Lynch, much less a suspension. But if I were Lynch, I'd schedule one preemptively.


Marshall will be suspended and you can bank on the commissioner investigating Lynch. The NFL conduct policy specifically states that causing harm to others is punishable. On that basis I think Marshawn might be sitting for a game or two.

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Marshall will be suspended and you can bank on the commissioner investigating Lynch. The NFL conduct policy specifically states that causing harm to others is punishable. On that basis I think Marshawn might be sitting for a game or two.

Lynch's defense is that he didn't know he hit her. The evidence supports this and there is no evidence that he was drinking, hence the plea deal. Given this and without being convicted for H&R, there is no way the NFLPA will allow Lynch to be suspended, if Goodell tries to do it.

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