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Soccer player pulls a Mike Tyson.


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Should we start a "trash the victim" thread on this? Accuse the victim of faking the wound, and suggest the criminal really is a fine young man who is the victim of a conspiracy?


Well it is soccer...


I like the quote in the clip from one of the players "it's totally unsportsmanlike". You think?

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Frank Deford, during yesterday's lecture at Chautauqua:

I want you to know that I'm not an America Firster, I'm not a unilateralist, I'm not a jingoist, but I do get damn sick and tired of the rest of the world calling us Americans dumb because we don't like soccer like everybody else. Doesn't that inflame you too?


I want you to think about this: Here you've got a sport where you don't use your hands. You don't use the very things that God gave us to separate us from the beasts of the fields. No, you use your FEET to control a moving object as you run, and then you use your head as a club.


And the rest of the world calls this "the beautiful game." Instead, I think, hello, there may be a reason why we're still the only superpower left on the face of the earth.


Thank you, my fellow Americans.

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