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Lynch's Punishment


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it might be more serious, but the cops don't have close to the evidence to get him on a hit and run (with a DUI you've been pulled over and breathalized, that's the evidence), but, if he was actually charged with a hit and run the penalty is contingent on the damage (not seriously injured and first offense means its a minor misdeameanor) and to even get him on that they'd have to show intent (like he knew he hit her and then drove off) which they can't show and there is apparently evidence going against it - thus the plea deal to a much lessor offense.


the league isn't going to go out of its way to punish a player for a plea deal to a traffic violation - the banned substance comparison goes to a competitive issue in the league, that's why the league comes down harder on that stuff because it can affect outcomes of games (in theory).


I think that it's clear that Marshawn will not get suspended...for a traffic violation. That kind of sounds silly when first time DUI offenders do not get suspended and Marshawn is not guilty of any crime.

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it might be more serious, but the cops don't have close to the evidence to get him on a hit and run (with a DUI you've been pulled over and breathalized, that's the evidence), but, if he was actually charged with a hit and run the penalty is contingent on the damage (not seriously injured and first offense means its a minor misdeameanor) and to even get him on that they'd have to show intent (like he knew he hit her and then drove off) which they can't show and there is apparently evidence going against it - thus the plea deal to a much lessor offense.


the league isn't going to go out of its way to punish a player for a plea deal to a traffic violation - the banned substance comparison goes to a competitive issue in the league, that's why the league comes down harder on that stuff because it can affect outcomes of games (in theory).


Like Denzel says in Training Day:


"Its not what ya know....its what you can prove..."

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