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How proud are you being a Buffalo Bills' fan?

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I'm 100% proud of being a Bills fan. Until another Bills fan shows up in zubaz. Then I'm about 95%.


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My wife thinks I am insane and sadistic, sometimes I think she is right. My wife started a Bills fan group on her mom site. There was another mom that is a Bills fan and she just had a baby. She had this to say "i feel kinda guilty every day for producing another bills fan....he's got a tough road ahead and he doesnt even know it yet...." I feel the same way about my new son, but a true fan is a fan for life. I think this will teach him a lot about life. You have to take the good with the bad and when you make a commitment you stick by it through thick and thin. When I wear my Bills hat out I hope that people notice that charging buffalo.

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I usually can't stand wearing my Bills stuff after a loss or a tough game. Not because I'm ashamed of them, but because the loss still stings the next day and I don't want to talk about it or get any crap from anyone...

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As long as there is a BUFFALO Bills team, I am a fan - win or lose.

If they moved to another city (not just split a portion of the games with Toronto) they would be dead to me.


I have no ties to WNY, been a fan since 1990 at 8 years old. Talking to my Dad the other day (Steelers fan) about the whole Toronto thing, how I would give up watching the NFL if the Bills moved. Not being serious I said to him, hell, if it happens maybe I'll become a Browns fan (live in Ohio right now). My Dad says Mike, you know you couldn't ever be a fan of another team, that team is in your blood. I agreed, I will never be able to love another team, and will always be proud that this is my team.


The bottom line is we Bills fans make this team unique, threw the good times and the bad. The passion and loyalty for the Bills from our fan base is unsurpassed in sports. You just don't find casual Bills fans, it's in your blood or isn't, and if it is in your blood, you will always be proud of it.

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I usually can't stand wearing my Bills stuff after a loss or a tough game. Not because I'm ashamed of them, but because the loss still stings the next day and I don't want to talk about it or get any crap from anyone...


I wear my Bills stuff after a loss to make a point that I am always a fan. :blink:

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I wear my Bills stuff after a loss to make a point that I am always a fan. :blink:

I can't talk about the game after a tough loss without getting ticked off. Add in an idiot fan from another team running his mouth and I'm likely to be calling the wifey for bail money... :blink:

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A person who is a Bills fan is a person who will never give up on anything. It speaks a lot about a person when they can get up off the ground and keep pushing forward no matter life hands to them. Go Bills!


Ah.....Sometimes there's a fine line between loyalty and stupidity...... :blink:

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My friends know me as Buffalo.

I have the standing Buffalo tattoo on my arm.

I used to be furious with myself for not knowing the names on the Electric Company.

I think OJ didn't do it.

I work Steeler parties as a bartender (I live in Pittsburgh, go to IUP, WOO CHRIS VILLARIAL/Jim Haslett/Mitch Frerotte (RIP)) and wear my Poz jersey behind the bar.

My mixing materials as a bartender are all emblazoned with the Bills logo.

If I had the opportunity to meet the members of my favorite band or tailgate at a Bills game, I would take tailgating at the Bills game.

When I was younger, I told my teacher that when I grew up, I wanted to stimulate the economy of Buffalo and make it a more inhabitable place.




I'm a bit of a proud Bills fan :blink:

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I live in New England and nothing pisses me off more than someone assuming I am a Patriots* fan. I am sure to tell them I am a Buffalo Bills fan no matter how much sheeit I get for it.



Those who know me, know my Sundays are already spoken for in the fall to watch Bills games.

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Honestly? Ten years ago, I was proud to the point of insanity. Now?


I didn't watch the 2001 season. I just couldn't get in to it after 9/11. Since then...my priorities are different. I'm proud of my wife's accomplishments, I'm proud of her niece working two jobs to pull herself out of the gutter (literally) and make sure her kids go to college. I'm proud that my brother's got his PhD and is creating a new lab at UB. But the Bills? Just a game, and I'm just a fan.

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I live a stones throw from the Dolfelon facility (I know because I throw stones at it) I once wore my Bills gear to one of their practices. Didnt go over real big.

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