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[closed]Lynch punishment

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If Lynch gets a slap on the wrist for his crime, do the Bills "force" him to do something like community service, start a charity, or something else? In today's age of being politically correct, I would like to see something positive come out of this other than touchdowns. Lynch should be ashamed for his actions or lack of them. Everyone makes a mistake, but being accountable for your actions makes a difference between being a douche bag and a decent person.


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If Lynch gets a slap on the wrist for his crime, do the Bills "force" him to do something like community service, start a charity, or something else? In today's age of being politically correct, I would like to see something positive come out of this other than touchdowns. Lynch should be ashamed for his actions or lack of them. Everyone makes a mistake, but being accountable for your actions makes a difference between being a douche bag and a decent person.


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Fred Jackson was on Sirius tonight and amongst the things that he had to say was that Marshawn and him has spent time together doing charitable things in the Buffalo community. They spent time at children hospitals and such. I'm disappointed in his decision making in this whole thing about the hit and run but I don't think that one incident defines him as what kind of person he is, as in anybody else. What I do hope for is that he has learned from this and makes a concentrated effort in growing as a human being. Everybody is capable of making a mistake and using poor judgement. I'm curious in seeing how he conducts himself off the field from this point forward.


My impression of him is that he is funloving and a good guy. It's doesn't matter what I or anybody else thinks of him overall but what he thinks of himself. Character is defined in the face of adversity. I think that it's important on how he responds to this unfortunate situation.

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If Lynch gets a slap on the wrist for his crime, do the Bills "force" him to do something like community service, start a charity, or something else? In today's age of being politically correct, I would like to see something positive come out of this other than touchdowns. Lynch should be ashamed for his actions or lack of them. Everyone makes a mistake, but being accountable for your actions makes a difference between being a douche bag and a decent person.


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i def agree with what tipster said in the post above.....but that the same time im also totally ok with a requirement for extra touchdowns being worked into the punishment!

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