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(OT) Where's BF today??

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Well I for one am not talking any smack. The Yankees look really good right now but things can turn quickly between my Yanks and your sox.



The Red Sox would have to be the Flash to turn this series quickly... :w00t:


Another October deep depression for me...Penn State and the Red Sox...


At least the Patriots are winning...just does not help... ;)

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Well he runs his mouth like it was a faucet when the Cards are winning, when things get interesting however he runs into the closet like a little girl....stand up for yourself BF....... :w00t:

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C'mon, BF. These guys are right. Your guys win and you're crapping red all over yourself. Your team loses and you hide in the basement?


BF, surely you're not one of those guys who can give it but can't take it, are you????

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Well he runs his mouth like it was a faucet when the Cards are winning, when things get interesting however he runs into the closet like a little girl....stand up for yourself BF.......  :blink:



Ummmmm......he's not home yet. :w00t:

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Nervous BF? Yankee Nation ? Big Night for baseball boys..... :devil:



Nope I'm not nevrous. You want to know why??? My team has had a great season win or lose. They were picked 3rd in their division and yet I've been able to watch them advance to the N.L Championship series and they are playing in the 6th game tonight.


It's not like we've blown a 3-0 series lead or anything.


Oh yeah, by the way, this thread here is an example of why I would post a topic titled "Who's your daddy?" after the Sox won last night.

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