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Oprahbama barrs Muslims


Two Muslim women at Barack Obama’s rally in Detroit on Monday were barred from sitting behind the podium by campaign volunteers seeking to prevent the women’s headscarves from appearing in photographs or on television with the candidate.


The campaign has apologized to the women, both Obama supporters who said they felt betrayed by their treatment at the rally.


“This is of course not the policy of the campaign. It is offensive and counter to Obama’s commitment to bring Americans together and simply not the kind of campaign we run,” said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. “We sincerely apologize for the behavior of these volunteers.”


Typical Obama...I have been doing some digging on him and it fits his pattern of setting up things to benefit him. Excluding muslims would only benefit him since he is being repeatly called a muslim so naturally he should try and avoid that photo op. What scares me about Obama is his willingness to set up an uneven playing field. In his run to the Ill. senate...he had several canidates excluded from the ballot. It's fact. All of you need to do some research before you vote...don't but into any hype for McCain or Obama. Do some research and make an informed choice.


Not acceptable. But considering that Dunkin Donuts freaked out over Rachel Ray's wearing a scarf around her shoulders that could have been misconstrued as a Muslim head scarf, I guess I'm not surprised that someone was worried about the image.


To presume that Obama himself dictated this action is ridiculous. I would expect that a man who turns down $80m in public funding for his campaign, because the system is so f-ed up and he felt he couldn't complain about it AND take the money, will do the right thing.


Sorry wingnuts. Nothing to see here. Move on.


This is not the first time the Obama campaign has done something like this. Not too long ago, the campaign played musical chairs with the people sitting behind him during a speech so that there would more white faces behind him rather than African-American ones.

  Peter said:
This is not the first time the Obama campaign has done something like this. Not too long ago, the campaign played musical chairs with the people sitting behind him during a speech so that there would more white faces behind him rather than African-American ones.

And how unusual is that?


I remember the GOP beating the bushes in 2000 to find the handful of black Republicans and get them all on the stage together. Welcome to politics.


Maybe some moron in the campaign did that. Who knows. I would think that the more variety the better. Although with some of the fearmongering going on out there, if someone saw a burka in the audience they might start those lovely Obama is muslim and not patriotic rumors again.


I have been to a ton of political rallies this year, not only for Obama but other candidates as well. Both sides of the aisle. ALL campaign stops shuffle people in and out of the area behind where the candidate will be talking. Really it's not a big deal.

  blzrul said:
And how unusual is that?


I remember the GOP beating the bushes in 2000 to find the handful of black Republicans and get them all on the stage together. Welcome to politics.




Exactly. He is a politician like the rest of them -- not exactly change we can believe in.

  Peter said:
Exactly. He is a politician like the rest of them -- not exactly change we can believe in.

Well DUH who else is going to run for public office but a politician? That's like saying you want a banker to do your brain surgery because you need a ground-breaking procedure and don't want an "insider" doing the work.


Here are some definitions of "politician". Obama is all of those. What he's NOT is a "typical" politician in the way most of us have come to understand it, i.e. a sellout who puts self-preservation and power in front of the interests of the people he/she is elected to serve.


1) A politician is a person who holds a political office. They may or may not have been elected.

2) A politician is an individual who is a formally recognized and active member of a government, or a person who influences the way a society is governed through an understanding of political power and group dynamics. ...

3) a leader engaged in civil administration

4) a person active in party politics

  blzrul said:
Well DUH who else is going to run for public office but a politician? That's like saying you want a banker to do your brain surgery because you need a ground-breaking procedure and don't want an "insider" doing the work.


Here are some definitions of "politician". Obama is all of those. What he's NOT is a "typical" politician in the way most of us have come to understand it, i.e. a sellout who puts self-preservation and power in front of the interests of the people he/she is elected to serve.


1) A politician is a person who holds a political office. They may or may not have been elected.

2) A politician is an individual who is a formally recognized and active member of a government, or a person who influences the way a society is governed through an understanding of political power and group dynamics. ...

3) a leader engaged in civil administration

4) a person active in party politics


He is a typical politician -- except with less experience.


Do you think that he would have had the benefit of that land deal for his house if he had not been a politician.


Let's not pretend that he or any of these other guys are Bambi.

  Peter said:
He is a typical politician -- except with less experience.


Do you think that he would have had the benefit of that land deal for his house if he had not been a politician.


Let's not pretend that he or any of these other guys are Bambi.




land deal... are we talking about McCain again? ;):blink:

  blzrul said:
Well DUH who else is going to run for public office but a politician? That's like saying you want a banker to do your brain surgery because you need a ground-breaking procedure and don't want an "insider" doing the work.


Here are some definitions of "politician". Obama is all of those. What he's NOT is a "typical" politician in the way most of us have come to understand it, i.e. a sellout who puts self-preservation and power in front of the interests of the people he/she is elected to serve.


1) A politician is a person who holds a political office. They may or may not have been elected.

2) A politician is an individual who is a formally recognized and active member of a government, or a person who influences the way a society is governed through an understanding of political power and group dynamics. ...

3) a leader engaged in civil administration

4) a person active in party politics


Yeah, and gay used to mean happy. ;) <------ Happy, not gay.


Politician= scum

Lawyer= lower scum

A politician that is a lawyer= lowest scum.

  Wacka said:
Politician= scum

Lawyer= lower scum

A politician that is a lawyer= lowest scum.


I am an attorney so I guess I am "lower scum." Oh well . . . . at least I am not lowest scum.

  swede316 said:
Typical Obama...I have been doing some digging on him and it fits his pattern of setting up things to benefit him.

Can't understand why he would try to set things up to benefit himself! :blink:


  swede316 said:
Excluding muslims would only benefit him since he is being repeatly called a muslim so naturally he should try and avoid that photo op.

Even if he were a muslim, that doesn't change whether he is qualified or not. I am not afraid of muslims, nor do I see a reason to hate them. Some terrorists were muslims. Not all muslims are terrorists. Terrorists want us to hate muslims- it makes their objectives easier


  swede316 said:
All of you need to do some research before you vote...don't but into any hype for McCain or Obama. Do some research and make an informed choice.


I always thought their should be a secondary registration for idiots that just vote party line- their vote would be counted without them showing up and they wouldn't have to stand in line.

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