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Bad Obama Pins

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What I find really interesting is that partisans, like you, turned this thread into a Republican/Democrat thing when my original post in this thread stated that there are worse things than buttons and brought up a comparison between lying about candidates and lack of FCC regulations while someone like Howard Stern says something about sex and is fined huge $.

I turned this thread into a Republican/Democrat thing?? You're the one who brought Rush Limbaugh into the mix along with the fantasy that it was he and conservatives spreading lies about Michelle Obama. It was two Democrats. You're the one who was just propping up a lie by pretending it was Limbaugh making the whole thing up.


I'm sorry you react so poorly to hearing facts. :lol:


As I said-Rush has the biggest audience-he's not repeating the rumors except for the obvious reason that he wants it spread all over the place.

Right, thank you for explaining how Rush Limbaugh's mind works. And it sure is "spreading all over the place." :lol: The rumor has been around for months, it's only getting attention now because Barack Obama is pinning it on the people who weren't promoting it.


Also, if you partisans are so convinced there is a tape-find it & show it!

Retard, where did I ever say that I believed the tape existed?


I said I'd heard the rumor months ago and it was spread by a pair of loony Hillary supporters. Clearly "us partisans" put a lot of stock into something like that. :lol:<_<

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The company has now apologized (a sign of the times) and the money will be donated to a cause as of yet unidentified.


A visit to these bozos' website will just make your day, they have all kinds of nasty stuff there, often with a cross (as in "the symbol of Christianity") superimposed. Talk about blasphemy.

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So after ripping McCain, Rush now supports him.......that makes no sense. Then again, when has Limbaugh ever made sense
It's kinda like when your favorite food is no longer available at a cafe and you have to decide between liver or a hot dog.
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