throwbackbilly Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 This is perhaps the funniest thread I have ever read on TBD...much less the Internet. The only thing funnier would be if they had video of her waddling across the road and running smack dab into Marshawn's porsche on route to last call at Elmwood Taco and Subs.
JoeF Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 This is perhaps the funniest thread I have ever read on TBD...much less the Internet. The only thing funnier would be if they had video of her waddling across the road and running smack dab into Marshawn's porsche on route to last call at Elmwood Taco and Subs. Golly that would be funny.... I will pay Marshawn's fine if this thread would just go away....
theesir Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 Unfortunately a few pretentious blow hards ruined our immature, inappropriate fun. I forgot that this was a civilized football message board that must be either topical to the Buffalo Bills or to cultured, literary works. Get over it people, no one is perfect... and not even the holier-than-thou posters in this thread can say they've never had a guilty laugh at someone else's expense. You won't convince me that me calling someone fat on an internet message board is morally reprehensible, so why are you getting yourselves all worked up over it? In response to whatever your smug replies putting me down will be, all I have to say is... THANKSSSS!!! Scott... you appeared on a local radio station and got to talk about your (our) board. There are probably a number of people who have come on for the first time after hearing you speak. To bad that they are seeing that the people posting in this thread now seem to represent the kind of people that "run" this board. Mods, is this or TBD? Do we allow threads that have a sole purpose of belittling someone who is not here to defend themselves simply because it entertains the lowest common denominator? There was a time when that wasn't the crowd that this board catered to. This thread being part of TSW is an embarassment. You can harrass me all you want for taking a position on this, but I will hold my head up high for feeling this way. If you tell me you are just as proud of yourselves for being mean spirited asswipes, then more power to you. I think my opinion gives people an idea of the kind of person I am in "real life" not just this internet world, I'm sure your opinion offers the same insight into the types of people you are as well.
justnzane Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 Scott... you appeared on a local radio station and got to talk about your (our) board. There are probably a number of people who have come on for the first time after hearing you speak. To bad that they are seeing that the people posting in this thread now seem to represent the kind of people that "run" this board. Mods, is this or TBD? Do we allow threads that have a sole purpose of belittling someone who is not here to defend themselves simply because it entertains the lowest common denominator? There was a time when that wasn't the crowd that this board catered to. This thread being part of TSW is an embarassment. You can harrass me all you want for taking a position on this, but I will hold my head up high for feeling this way. If you tell me you are just as proud of yourselves for being mean spirited asswipes, then more power to you. I think my opinion gives people an idea of the kind of person I am in "real life" not just this internet world, I'm sure your opinion offers the same insight into the types of people you are as well. Hey, relax a little bit man. The fact of the matter is that a well loved Bill may or may not have hit and ran away from an oversized Canadian woman on a Friday nite at 3:00 am. Since it is being brought to light that this woman is suing Marshawn Lynch and that her lawyer is issuing statements on her behalf to gather public sympathy, it gives the public some right to criticize her. While it isn't the classiest of threads on TSW, it was pretty clear that this thread was heading in a juvenile direction from the getgo based on the build of this drunk oversized Canadian chick. While some (including myself) have ripped on this girl for whatever reason, others including you have played the holier than thou role. The problem isn't that the board has some insensitive deliquents, instead the problem is that certain members of each perspective are trying to convince the other side to think like them. The reality is that you aren't going to convince another person to change his/her perspective on a topic like this as the issue is pretty divisive in nature. There are some threads that I sit out of, even though I disagree with the masses, because its not worth my time to argue with numerous people on the net. But that is just me.
jester43 Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 Picture of me in my office bull sh--. where'd you get that picture of ice?
GoodBye Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 <------------------------------------- this is not me. <-------------------------------this is not me.
USMCBillsFan Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 <-------------------------------this is not me. Thank God for that!
GoodBye Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 Thank God for that! But it's really me in my profile pic!
taterhill Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 She's likely better looking than most of your wives not my wife....nice try hoss
LongLiveRalph Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 "I am such a good person, and defending some girl I don't know, whose picture I just saw, is my big chance to prove to a bunch of other people (whom I also don't know) just what a great person I am. I would NEVER belittle somebody like that, and neither would God or Tim Russert. You are all jerks who are trying to be funny, and I am embarrassed for you and for your parents. Your upbringing was clearly a failure and your life is a waste if judging somebody on the Internet is fun for you. Just because I am now judging you is irrelevant because I am better than you and I would never make fun of anyone." My goodness people, get over yourselves. A THREAD ON THE INTERNET IS NOT REALITY. It's an anonymous forum and OF COURSE there are going to be jokes and what not. I feel sorry for anyone who can't have a little chuckle at some of the funny ways the world works. I feel even more sorry for those of you who think TBD qualifies as human interaction and need to be the morality police 24/7. Thank you to all of you who defended this girl and posted things such as, "I will hold my head high and sleep well tonight knowing that I am a good person and I don't judge others. You are all azzholes." Those were the true jokes in this thread.
BEAST MODE BABY! Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 She's likely better looking than most of your wives Nope. Not in the least But thanks for trying.
Southern McButterpants. Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 Marshawn drives the ugly truck? And BTW, y'all need to lighten up. Is this the most tasteful thing ever posted on this board? Far from it, but it's relatively harmless.
Chilly Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 But it's really me in my profile pic! Now you're going to get a bunch of internet people drooling over you.
justnzane Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 Now you're going to get a bunch of internet people drooling over you. ... starting with you, you perv
Tim Russert Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 <-------------------------------this is not me. <-------------------------------this is me.
Fezmid Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 And even at that, it does you little justice. You are thousands of times better looking in real life, and that doesn't even address how cool you are. Yeah, but she loses points for working for the cable company....
Chilly Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 Yeah, but she loses points for working for the cable company.... Yeah, but you're married, so you couldn't have her even if she worked for DirecTV
EC-Bills Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 We are looking at this all wrong... I think he was trying to do her a favor by hitting her!! ~~ Mix in a salad ~~ I hear she chose to be hit by Marshawn's SUV rather than be hit on by /dev/nul
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